Most American thing I can think of.
Two words: Helicopter Chaingun
Progressives should support a boar hunting program, along with offering assistance for moving, dismantling, and inspecting game. People who learn how to hunt, know how to shoot. That might be a very valuable skill in the times ahead.
We kill two boars with one bullet.
The parties in control are not the type to regulate or fund programs, so no, not really.
We’re having a problem with deer in ireland.
Wait till the chronic wasting disease shows up. Until then enjoy the venison.
Funnily enough, I tried some venison the other day and it tasted awful.
I say we cede the country to the pigs. They might do a better job.
Those are ones in captivity, for food.
I for one welcome our new hog overlords
If you’ve read Orwell, then you know we have.
Too late!
Pig walking into a full congress, “these animals are disgusting”
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which,”
I’d rather do that than arm people with assault rifles so they can live in remote rural areas where herds of feral pigs are an issue. Yes this is an actual argument people make in favor of keeping assault rifles legal. “What if I need to stop a stampede of 80 feral hogs? This is a weekly occurrence on my property.”
Frankly, if feral hogs have you running scared, it’s not your property, it’s theirs.
Would you like to be a moderate? I’ll propose giving the hogs the assault rifles and you’ll instantly become a moderate.
humans have assault rifles <— no one has assault rifles —> hogs have assault rifles
Edit: would arming both humans and hogs also be a good compromise?
Some animals are more equal than others!
Hogwash! Capitalist pigs will end us. I for one advocate for roo committees.
Probably not the same animals that need to be controlled, but boar is delicious!
Only the babies. The testosterone makes them nasty af as they get older.
They are the same picture
You think you’ve got a problem? Ours are stealing laptops!
I can understand ruining the entire harvest crops… But not stealing the laptops! D:
“Legit question for rural Americans – How do I kill the 30-50 feral hogs that run into my yard within 3-5 mins while my small kids play?"
You actually have to lure the hogs into a pen with multiple exits, drop the gates, and gun them down before they can manage an escape. You also should be very vigilant and listen well for any nearby hogs, the adult females tend to be smarter and more cautious but they’re the targets you NEED to kill.
Failure to catch all of the hogs will allow the others to learn and adapt to the traps, and failure to kill the females will result in their population continuing to grow.
Other effective methods are clap traps and spike pits but those don’t work well when you have children or other animals. There is also the M44 cyanide pill shooting trap made for Coyotes but idk if it works on Hogs.
Give the kids guns too.
That was intended to sound sarcastic, but most kids I knew in rural America have been around guns since they were big enough to carry them. I personally started shooting a .22 when I was in kindergarten and was just hardly big enough to shoot a 30-06 when I was about 10 or so. (I am very much the liberal gun owner type, btw.)
While I can’t change the past, I do find myself questioning the logic of my experience at times. For yet another direction shift, my girls are both trained in gun safety, but that started years before I let them even touch a gun.
A 14yo was the first to fire at Marshalls at Ruby Ridge.
I’ve been shooting since I was about 5 too.
I haven’t in many years, but I think I was 10 or 11 when my dad got me a 20 gauge.
Yeah. I grew up around guns. I was shooting 22s early like you, had a compact shotgun by the age of 10, etc.
We didn’t live in the country, so while we had guns in the house, we did NOT have ammunition in the house until I was 15 or so, just in case me or my sister ever decided to play with a gun. We bought ammo on the way to the range or the hunt, and anything we didn’t shoot was given to a family member.
Shit, reply all lives on.
I miss that show. PJ is good on Search Engine, but I miss Alex. Both of them.
Alex has a new show as well! Hyperfixed
Omg thank you! I like PJ but I still can’t forgive him completely
Forgive him for what? I recall there was drama around this show but I legit couldn’t understand what actually happened.
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Woke killed the show. It’s the only casualty of woke that I really can’t process.
Wasn’t it a sexual harassment thing?
Edit: I guess I don’t know the story at all. I thought I remembered one of the guys being involved in a sexual harassment suit. It appears I was mistaken.
I thought it was a discrimination thing
And the anti-union shit.
Put the kids in a fenced garden
Are they delicious?
I’ve only have wild boar jerky before and it was pretty tasty, but you gotta get the meat tested first bc they can carry some serious diseases.
Sorta fun fact from my organizmal bio teacher: the reason you never hear about pork being cooking medium rare is that we are fairly closely related to pigs and so we are susceptible to many of the diseases that can infect pigs.
Meh, no, unless you trap them. Youve got to feed them a better diet than what they get in the wild. Also, this opinion resides heavily on the fact that industrially grown, bred and genetically manipulated pigs are damn delicious.
I disagree, my grandpa used to hunt wild boars and I have eaten them a couple times. They’re delicious, good meat.
Gotta cook them right. Sounds like your grandpa knew how to cook them.
You should go hunt a bunch too! Have a bbq party and invite a bunch of poeple to get them with the idea there are delicious 400 pound hogs running wild in your backyard causing massive crop damage. Your granpa would love that
Cody warned us 6 years ago:
Is it finally time for Some Boar News again? It’s been awhile.
I went hog hunting a few times back in my redneck days. There’s virtually no regulations and we had no idea what to do. Me and my friends went out with a full arsenal. I had a 9mm, SKS, and a 30-06.
I used every gun. It was crazy.
A 9mm would just piss them off.
Possibly not even that. A mere irritation.
It’s still gonna fuck you up- they’re just ornery like that.
Oh, ornery! Hah! Imagine someone thinking you said horny. Totally not me.
Wildlife not being extinguished by humans is a good thing.
Feral pigs are an invasive species that wreak havoc here
You should see the damage a single pig can do. I have. And I like pigs, have a pet pot belly.
They are the only animals I will shoot on sight, no questions asked. And I wouldn’t shoot a squirrel.
Pigs aren’t trying to eat you. I would shoot a polar bear on sight. They are one of few animals that will intentionally hunt humans for food.
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Why the hell wasn’t this an answer to my question a while back about RPG quests in real life? I can kill wild pigs. They’re only level 1 so it should be easy to grind.
I can kill wild pigs. They’re only level 1
These aren’t. Most animals that you get to hunt in the US will run away if you take a shot and miss. Hogs just might decide to turn around and fucking disembowel you.
Ever play as a level 1 adventurer in a tabletop game?
Getting gored by a pig is just how the game goes sometimes.
I’m not seeing anything said here that doesn’t differ from how wild hogs in video games work.
It’s not like they’re big, or on fire, like in a Fromsoft game.
Just pick a warrior class that can wear mail/plate then.
Considering any feral pig has a few kills under its belt and sleeps outside, it’s more likely that you’re level1 and it’s level 8 or 9.
Just make sure you pack a very good gun and are up a sturdy tree. Barring that get a spear with a pole as thick as your arm and a tip with a wide guard on it. The guard is important, because a boar will impale itself to get to you and there’s a good chance it will succeed before expiring.
Side quest time. I mean we are getting closer to the final boss.
When? Where have you made this question? Any hunting, foraging and gathering activity can be translated as an RPG quest
Leave the poor piggies alone. I have wild boars near me in Japan and twice in the past year I’ve been close enough to touch them. They are highly intelligent social animals. If you demonstrate that you aren’t a threat, they are indifferent to your presence and if you offer them an apple, potato, corn, bread or peanuts they will warm up to you like a cat when you give it food. The problem isn’t the boars, it’s that people act aggressively toward them and they respond with aggression.
the problem isnt the boar itself but the damage an outside threat poses to a delicate ecosystem
I think people tend to see what benefits their desires. Domestic dogs kill far more humans and pets per year than boars, yet no one is advocating going out and shooting dogs on sight. We aren’t interested in their meat. Cats are an invasive species in many places where humans have introduced them and cats have hunted many native bird species to extinction, yet no one is saying we should kill all the kitties. Boars are very intelligent, smarter than dogs and wolves. They can smell yams, potatoes and truffles three feet under the ground. They can also smell gun oil, gun powder, and dogs. They know when you’re in the woods to hunt them. Here in Japan, the absence of boars kills forests. Many tubers here are also climbing vines that choke and kill trees. When humans stop living in the forest and there are no boars, the vines take over and the trees die. Humans living in harmony with nature will cut vines away from food producing trees. Boars dig up tubers and sometimes the tree roots get damaged, but if the boar did nothing, the tree would be killed in a few years anyway. I cut vines off of trees when I walk the forests near me. I prioritize saving cherry, plum and walnut trees but I rescue as many trees as I have time for. The boars are a big help.
i think controlling domestic pets is also an issue and im a huge advocate for indoor only, but boars will not integrate in forests here the same way they would in japan. im not an advocate for killing nor do i think it would work, but TNR efforts may help the same way it does with stray cat populations
Yea… please don’t get the two mixed up and spread harmful info online. The wild boars here are dangerous, if you are out walking in the woods and stumble upon one, they won’t always run. They will try and hurt you and the tusk on these guys are dangerously sharp and can punch through skin like it’s butter.
On top of the danger part. They’re also super destructive to the environment, and we’re not talking just about crop loss either.
They won’t try to hurt you if you keep distance. Have respect for wildlife
Yea…yea they will. You’re comment is the equivalent of telling people in Australia not to worry about spiders. They are dangerous animals here in the USA and will charge you even if you’re keeping your distance.
It’s fairly easy to keep them in check though.
It’s really not, boars can breed multiple times per year, have litters between 2 and 12, and can breed as early as 6 months old.
It takes lots of effort to keep a population stable, actually eliminating them is very difficult.
In Hungary hunters love them. You get money for every boar shot and they make an okay stew.
They kill people and pets here in the US
I’m sure they do. I bet domestic dogs kill a lot more people and pets per year though.
There have only been like 5 human wild boar deaths in the US in the past 200 years:
Wild boars tear up large swaths of forest floor in search of food. They wipe out native tubers and disrupt the carbon cycle, ultimately degrading the land into scrub.
They are also predators, they can weigh over half a ton, and they are violent when threatened.