I’d go back in time to fifteen minutes ago when I had my earphones
Like fuck dude
I just had it and I can’t find the fucking things anywhere
edit: found it. If that was my only time travel opportunity, I’d take it
You can’t find them because you from 15 minutes in the future took them, duh.
Way to find out you’re not in the prime timeline
Dude…we’re a few days away from trump having a too close to call election in which he’s made open statements about being a facist dictator if elected.
The price of food now requires a second mortgage. Mortgages that millenials don’t have, because they could never have a house.
4 years ago MURDER HORNETS migrated to America, and it wasn’t even in the top 10 of our worst problems in 2020.
What part of ANY of this makes you think we’re in the GOOD timeline???
What part of ANY of this makes you think we’re in the GOOD timeline???
I saved 15% off my car insurance by switching to GEICO?
THIS is the Bad Place.gif
This is some Dark-level time paradox stuff.
I’m assuming that they’re Bluetooth, as if they were wired, the problem couldn’t really come up.
If they’re still paired to a device, crank the volume up and try playing something loud enough that you can hear it.
For Bluetooth devices that are powered on and responding to queries for nearby Bluetooth devices, you can also try asking a device that can pair with Bluetooth devices and show signal strength, like a laptop, to query for nearby devices, can kind of use to “home in” on the device.
Found em
they were on my desk under an old empty box of antidepressants
yeeted it
Plot twist, you’re wearing them, and having a brain fart.
You underestimate my grasp of my own stupidity.
I checked my ears three times before posting that
Have you checked the top of your head?
what about your pockets?
Why would their headphones be in my pockets? O_o
I used to lose mine until I glued them onto a headband and used some paracord to tether it to my phone case.
While I’m not a professional, I suspect help with management of your ADHD may be more appropriate than Time travel…
They’re against the side of your computer
Very few time travel stories every address this and other detriments to the past. For most of history, the past has been a pretty horrible place compared to today unless you are rich and usually male. Even you are those, you don’t have to go far back to be victims of disease or injury commonly cured today. Depending on what part of the world you are in, and how far you are going back, your skin color, spoken language, or physical features may also put you in a world of hurt.
We still have a long way to go to be better, but as crazy as it seems, right now, is a really really good time for most of us compared to most of history with regard to freedom and health.
The only way I want to time travel is like…looking through a window to watch it.
Actually being there???
Fuck that, I like being alive and not not alive.
I wouldn’t mind the chance to occasionally go back in the past and talk to long lost loved ones, let them know I miss them and that everything’s alright.
Even if it was just limited to a time bubble and nothing I did in the past would change the present or future.
Going to the past within living lifetime would be fine! Probably!
I want to look and see ancient Mesopotamia but not like. Go there. Seems dangerous.
disease might be a particular issue beyond just that. Last thing you want is to give the past COVID or modern strains of the flu or whatever else, and in reverse, you dont want to bring back smallpox
Read Timeline by Michael Chricton
This is pretty much how I see those who romanticize the past.
I want to be spoiled in an old school relationship.
You want your voting rights revoked and getting beaten up by your drunk husband, which is then your fault somehow? Not really my kink but if you insist.
What ?
For a very, very, long time it was considered proper to hit your family, as the man of the house, to keep everyone in order. If the patriarch was hitting you, you needed discipline, this was a god ordained arraignment, so what were you doing against god to deserve this wrath? Domestic violence was crazy high compared to today, as late as the 1990’s. Also drinking rates have fallen greatly, especially since the 18th century.
Being a woman in these romanticized times meant you couldn’t have any sort of credit, you couldn’t hold a bank account, you couldn’t vote, violence towards you, from your family was not criminal. Until the 1900s women couldn’t legally own, or rent, property, except under specific conditions (inheritance, gift from their husband, tenement housing built specifically to house women alone, that sort of thing). Even though it was legalized int he early 1900s, it was also legal to discriminate against women, in that way, until the 1970s, in a lot of places. It was far more common for men to drink, and for men to beat their families, and they had few, to no, legal ways to create independence from their husband. So they were stuck there.
Reminder: Women couldn’t have bank accounts or credit cards without permission from their husband or father until the late 1970’s
otoh, that’s when the economy started crashing…
[jk, I can do two hours on how Nixon’s Vietnam War spending and Reaganomics destroyed the middle class. I just can’t resist a good set-up line]
I will never understand how they sold starving people on the idea of giving all their food to the biggest glutton in the village in order to feed off the crumbs he won’t leave behind.
A lot of Americans went crazy after the US lost the war in Vietnam. Ronald Reagan offered them a return to a happier time, when everything made sense.
The only good old times were those before mankind started to mess up the entire planet.
Many were increasingly of the opinion that they’d all made a big mistake coming down from the trees in the first place, and some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no-one should ever have left the oceans.
It’s always a pleasure to come across a hoopy frood who knows where their towel is.
Cutting down the trees was out next biggest mistake. For example, the Europeans who colonized the US cut down 93% of the trees they found. They clear cut forests of giant oaks and blackwalnut trees. And we replaced all of that natural beauty with asphalt and endless urban sprawl.
Thank you. Since we decided a few weeks ago to adopt the leaf as legal tender, we have, of course, all become immensely rich.
But we have also run into a small inflation problem on account of the high level of leaf availability, which means that, I gather, the current going rate has something like three deciduous forests buying on ship’s peanut.
So in order to obviate this problem and effectively revalue the leaf, we are about to embark on a massive defoliation campaign, and…er, burn down all the forests. I think you’ll all agree that’s a sensible move under the circumstances.
Mankind’s been screwing things up since the start.
The Sahara Desert used to be verdant
And whom
One side of my family was all farmers. I don’t know much about that life, but I believe the youngest girl would be raising those two babies (while cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, etc), and those two boys would be working the field with the mother.
You don’t need to go back in time for that.
Just go visit the Amish!
From what I’ve learn (mainly from mainstream media) I respect their choice to maintain thier culture and lifestyle. Something to be said from having no rat race and living a simple life off of the land.
Man, I remember the past like it was yesterday.
Anyone who would act like that couldn’t even hack it in a developing country today let alone going back in time. Remember, a dystopia is just a third-world country but with white people and that’s different because, uh, reasons.
That does kinda depend on the nature of the dystopia to be fair. Like, the ones that are just “a stratified society where the poor live in the dirt”, or “an authoritarian regime”, sure, but some dystopian fiction relies on tech that doesnt even exist to run.
Sure but that’s just a bit of colour for the world that sets the genre. The meat of it is all there regardless.
I’ll keep my organic farming and connection to nature, thanks.
Though I’d prefer to go back a few million years before humans even evolved.
Yeah, thanks, that comic was a little too black and white in 50% of the panels - acknowledging women’s rights and their role in society and abolishing child labor doesn’t mean that we did not process the shit out of food and invented the unholiest abominations as substitute for actual nourishment, or that it’s suddenly healthy to live in a concrete block after spending 10 hours in cloned cubicle #7.
The whole “processed food is bad for you” thing is junk science. What matters is what’s in the food, not how “processed” it is.
I agree. When I was talking about “processed food”, I was talking about food that has been processed too much, i. e. cooked to oblivion, loaded up with preservatives, artificial flavor, colors etc. to maximize profit by making it last longer, be more attractive / “tasteful” to the point of addiction (think chips) no matter the nutritional value.
Food is of course processed even in the home kitchen, and there are processing methods that are totally fine (let’s say freezing, canning) and that have a long cultural tradition without adverse effects.
However, I think it’s hard to dispute that industrially processed (fast) food, convenience food, snacks, super high calorie foods etc. are a real problem. I honestly also blame e. g. the expectation society has with respect to its workers who can’t necessarily afford (money, time) to regularly prep healthy food at home, given the schedule imposed on them.
The problem isn’t with the processing, though. It’s too much sugar, too much of the wrong kind of fat, etc.
It’s possible for a minimally-processed food to be worse for you than a highly-processed food due to the ingredients.
Didn’t I just say that in the comment you replied to?
Also, ultraprocessed food is a fixed term that refers to
[…] foods […] ready-to-eat or ready-to-heat industrial formulations made mainly with ingredients refined or extracted from foods and contain additives but little to no whole foods.
It’s used as such in studies and reports.
But muh buzzwords?
Good news! With our new work from home policy you get to stay in your concrete block all day!
Also, in nomadic neolithic societies women were treated as equals. Agriculture was a trap.
Ah, so you want to travel to the only time in history where humans weren’t making life miserable for other humans?
don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for this. it’s possible to be connected to nature and not be a regressive society.
Reminds me of a YouTube video giving thorough advice on what you should do if you would ever time travel back to medieval Europe.
One of the biggest hurdles would be language. Even 50 years ago people sounded different. You go back 200, you would sound weird to the others. It would be disorienting. Might end up in jail or worse. Language is an organic thing that constantly changes.
And if you travel into the future, your shits gonna be all fucked up and people will think you talk like a fag.
this is a great video. I think you should post it in a community.
“Aww. They’re just misunderstood invaders. We don’t actually know their culture.”
All the technology and progress in the world isn’t gonna help if yr sat on by aristocrats.