Not saying that, they could still fund them, but it would have to be an third party that both sides agree to
Admittedly didn’t look to closely, but weren’t they the ones funding the third party investigation group? Seems like conflict of interest, I mean those findings would seem legit if the third party was agreed to by both sides.
Monday stand-ups are the worst
Most news sites nowadays are absolute cancer on mobile with 20% of screen being the actual content. Is pay of the reason why nobody actually reads articles and go straight to the comments
How does conversation context work though? Is that memory not a form of learning?
Better then Get this: My nephew gave me syphilis.
Yea, what a dickhead. I never understand the mentality of a successful collaboration going to someones head getting them to think, let me just squeeze the supplier of this critical ingredient.
Case study as to why you can’t let a single customer monopolize your business income.
Booty loving men
I don’t have the facts of the case, but it’s not like the defenders have the luxury of knowing the intruders intentions and how they will behave, but considering they are already doing something severely illegal, it’s not much of a stretch to think the intruder would be willing to put their life at risk, and in that context, it is absolutely justifiable to kill in defense.
Hey man, never judge a book by its recording
It was a reference to what agent Smith said in the movie.
But also yea, it seems like standard of living peaked around that time where everything was affordable (in North America at least), people weren’t addicted to their tech and still generally had a third place. Politicians also didn’t lean as much into rhetoric.
Early 2000s really was peak human civilization
If it’s pre-30 yr old, the cells are all body builders, but after, they are old men with canes
the folly of democracy:
sounds like baby Ramen, and now im hungry
And if you travel into the future, your shits gonna be all fucked up and people will think you talk like a fag.
What part of ANY of this makes you think we’re in the GOOD timeline???
I saved 15% off my car insurance by switching to GEICO?
When is up dog?