Have I been mis-prouncing it this whole time? English is not my first language I am French. I am talking about Oligarchy
Bernie has a very strong Brooklyn accent which is why the R turns to aw, but either pronunciation is totally fine.
No, you’re right. It’s just how it sounds with Sanders’ distinct accent.
Bernie Sanders can pronounce it however the fuck he wants, with as thick of a brooklyn accent as he wants.
He has earned at least that much lol
Some east coast areas, like where Sanders is from, inherited non-rhoticity from England. The “r” is pronounced in most US accents.
Hey cool thanks for this! Love learning about language and have never even heard this term before , or I guess as Bernie would say “I have Nevah even head of this tem befoe” lol
If you loved this then you will likely enjoy British linguist YouTuber @DrGeoffLindsey.
I’ll also toss A Way with Words on the pile too. It’s a long running NPR-adjacent radio show/podcast about linquistics.
My favorite was a dive they did on the descriptor “like a dead preacher” to refer to an annoying awkward thing to move.
The further NE you go in the US the more non-rhotic the dialect becomes, more or less.
You say to mah to, I say to may to… we both agree that we need to tear down this unjust vegetal system and sing Les Marseilles while we do it.
You are correct. It is le garky not la garky. But Bernie does not follow the norms of gendered language.
Most words will sound different every few miles. There are countless regional accents, meaning there is no right or wrong. I’m northern Irish and I say mir instead of mirror. It’s wrong but it’s not wrong, if you know what I mean.
Have you never heard of an accent before?
No I haven’t. Up until I read these replies on Lenny I had no idea it was a thing. TIL
I’m going to assume you’re not being sarcastic here. Aren’t there accents in France?
You should hear how us mountain folk pronounce it.
Awl-uh-garky, or all-uh-gurky are the two most common at my shooting club (and yes, left wing shooting clubs exist in the south, even here in the sticks).
I’ve been pronouncing it all-e-glucky
The second vowel is an unstressed “i”. In most varieties of English, since it is unstressed, we pronounce it as a schwa, which sounds roughly like “uh”.
If you’d like to articulate that syllable, like you might do in French, then pronounce it like the “i” in “sit”. That’s completely optional.
oh, it’s garlicky
Isn’t oligarchy a loan word from the French language? Or like, if not a loan word I’m sure it at least has French etymology