• SpiceDealer@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    That was cringe but I think a better reason NOT to return to reddit is the fact that they just sold out their users to an AI company that hasn’t even been named.

    • CodeInvasion@sh.itjust.works
      7 months ago

      AFAIK, there’s nothing stopping any company from scraping Lemmy either. The whole point pf reddit limiting API usage was so they could make money like this.

      Outside of morals, there is nothing to stop anybody from training on data from Lemmy just like there’s nothing stopping me from using Wikipedia. Most conferences nowadays require a paragraph on ethics in the submission, but I and many of my colleagues would have no qualms saying we scraped our data from open source internet forums and blogs.

  • random9@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    I think the fewer number of people, compared to reddit, on Lemmy combined with the fact that it’s not nearly as well known, plays a huge advantage to the quality of the comments. Not that there aren’t people like that here either, but I feel like the more popular a platform, is, the more it gets filled, proportionally, with people trying to make witty, shitty, pointless remarks that are often clickkbaity and avoid actual discussion, all in the interest of just getting more imaginary points.

    Also the process of “enshitification” (not a term I made up, look it up if you hadn’t heard of it) has already started taking place on reddit due to its popularity.

    • ULS@lemmy.ml
      7 months ago

      I’m part of the problem. 85.4% of my comments are shit posts only I think are funny.

      • random9@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        lol @ the exact percent

        But no, I don’t think shitposts by themselves are actually the problem. I think the problem is when when there’s so many people dedicated to making shitposts that serious communities with serious discussions start getting overwhelmed with shitposts, and when there’s so many people who are only interested in shitposts that they upvote those shitposts to the top, often downvoting anyone who might offer a contrarian non-funny opinion.

        or IDK, I’m mostly speculating based on personal experience.

        • Beefy-Tootz@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          I think the problem is that reddit is suffering the same fate as Facebook. It’s no longer a niche Internet community, it’s been overrun by people who think it’s hip and in. It’s been taken over by people who speak some of the language, but don’t get the culture. No one knows when the narwhal baconed anymore. Lemmy is exhibiting the earlier stages of reddit. Small groups that are growing, plus a looooot of star trek fans sprinkled throughout.

          • wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            7 months ago

            No one knows when the narwhal baconed anymore

            I just gagged. I get that it’s a big cultural touchstone of old reddit but I’m sorry, if a community could ever think that was midnightsomething anyone could say out in the real world to try and find other members without sounding like they’d been dropped on the head as a child, then there’s serious arguments that it was already past the point of no return.

            No worries. I’ll just be over here with the real cool kids from old 4chan. Hiding our power levels, laughing at m00t wanting to be the little girl, and calling everyone [blank]f#gs. That was totally more respectable behavior by a community of well adjusted individuals.

            Hell, even the whole 4chan v Reddit “rivalry” sort of shit is ancient history now.

            No psuedonymous or anonymous public discussion space needs some specific “calling card” meme. Just let it be what it is.

            Anyway, I believe what you’re describing was coined as “eternal summer” many many years ago.

            Back in the earlier years of 4chan, in the summer time the site used to get flooded with a bunch of obviously new users who clearly had no familiarity with the how the existing community worked, in amounts that would often drown out discussions that would have thrived without the newcomers.

            You could often trace significant downward trends in “quality” of a community to those mass influxes of new users every summer, usually assumed to be underaged children having nothing better to do with summer break.

            At the time, 4chan was still insular enough (not the least due to the sheer vileness of the most popular boards) that any new users who stuck around after the summer would normally adapt to fit with the existing community when the rest of the new users from the summer left.

            Eventually though, 4chan got large enough to start getting in the news more and more. Anonymous hackers were doing more shit drawing attention too. They took on fucking scientology. At some point, there was enough of a constant influx of new users who were either unable or unwilling to adapt to the existing community that the existing community started dissolving rapidly.

            At that point, “summer” never ends. If you try to enforce previous “standards” then you’re fighting a neverending battle against hordes of people coming into what used to be “your space” where you knew how things worked, insisting that things work differently now (whether by repeated action or explicit statements). They’re coming in such numbers that you can’t out talk them. You can’t out pace their posting. You can’t “educate” them. Slowly everything just oozes into the same easily digestable sludge catering to the lowest common denominator of the constant influx of new users, who don’t give a singular shit about what worked to keep the space alive in the first place.

            Welcome to Eternal Summer. Cut your addiction to the space, adapt to the new normal, or suffer forever. Makes for a lot of really really salty maladjusted shut-ins, and the same sort of exclusionary behavior that a lot of nerds had when shit like Halo 2 started making gaming more mainstream or Critical Role helped make D&D more popular.

            There’s a lot to be gained from new blood in a previously insular community, but it often comes with a loss of identity. For 4chan, that wasn’t a huge loss, though I’d argue that the racism at least seemed more ironic in ancient times, to a stupid teenage me. Eventually, every community has a tipping point where “the old guard” can’t hold back the tide, and without sissyphean efforts what made the original community special will probably be lost. For better or worse.

            Best not to get too attached to any emphemeral space or community, and learn to find new ones as you go along your life.

  • OfficerBribe@lemm.ee
    7 months ago

    All I see is cherry picking random dumb comment thread and trying to spin it as if it defines the whole use base / experience and thinking Lemmy is used by the most sophisticated intellectuals.

  • spujb@lemmy.cafe
    7 months ago

    it’s cringe but equaly cringy is posting it to here and the comments pretending you couldn’t find a dozen similar examples on lemmy lol, like the demographic is not that different.

    heaven forbid some cringey individuals spread some positive energy online! they should be more toxic and debate lord-ey with every comment.

    reddit always had an incredible individuality, not-like-other-girls complex and it’s truly wonderful to see that that mindset has immediately migrated here. never change, reddit circlejerk brainrot, my love. 😍

    • JoYo@lemmy.ml
      7 months ago

      it didn’t used to be this bad, then the redditors came.

  • Minotaur@lemm.ee
    7 months ago

    It’s actually kind of crazy how like… stupid Reddit got over the past 2 years.

    Like don’t get me wrong Lemmy isn’t exactly an intellectual powerhouse either, but especially on the front page of Reddit it truly feels like you’ve gathered a few thousand of the dumbest people ever and made them high five. Browsing the science and dataisbeautiful subs is insane

  • lesteross@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    At least there is something to read, unlike on lemmy, where the most liked posts are bitching about reddit.

  • ArmokGoB@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    7 months ago

    Not much worse than people constantly evangelizing Linux, whining about cars, and all the other Lemmyisms that have seeped between instances.

  • Honytawk@lemmy.zip
    7 months ago

    What I find weird, is why people would comment that kind of worthless stuff when they could just give an upvote. It doesn’t add anything to the discussion. It is just worthless fluff.

    • gandalf_der_12te@feddit.de
      7 months ago

      I guess lots of people just like to talk.

      And writing responses like that comes close to that. I understand it, kinda, because I use to do the same. When somebody writes me some message or sth, I often reply with a short (but still unnecessarily long) text. I even do this when I wasn’t directly talked to. So that’s a habit.

  • RememberTheApollo_@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Reddit is bloodthirsty and quite often rejects reason, especially if you’re in subs like justiceporn or similar. People DGAF if the solution to a problem was “just walk away” that was available for the entirety of the lead-up to an incident, they just want to see massive retaliation for a slight, perceived or real. FAFO. can’t fix stupid. Etc.

    Bunch of angry drunks looking for a fight for any reason.

    That, and Reddit is all about reactions and retreads in all the popular subs, just like TikTok and the like.

    The conversations happen in the small subs. Sometimes.

    • FourPacketsOfPeanuts@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      I’ve lost faith that I’m even having conversations on there at all. Such a big motivation to have natural language bots building up credible history and posting nonsensical but vaguely plausible sounding replies that offer zero depth.

      • Patches@sh.itjust.works
        7 months ago

        Posting nonsensical but vaguely plausible sounding replies that offer zero depth.

        Are you describing how Reddit was, or is going to be?

        • FourPacketsOfPeanuts@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          How it is. It’s not unusual to come across replies that on the surface are passable but are ever so slightly…off. And the comment history is the same. People who make it their business to undercover bot networks regularly find groups of accounts that post automated chat-gpt type responses and seem to act in unison. Their methods vary but sometimes they all post the same low effort zero depth reaction comments as a strategy to build up karma without being spotted. The fact the platform is structured for popularity and engagement in such a way that this is worth doing (and polluting any regular discussion in the process) is entirely what’s wrong with Reddit.

          E.g. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheseFuckingAccounts/comments/1176jfy/literally_these_fucking_accounts_fed_up_with_them/

          Type of thing that would be found. This particular investigation sub now private but there are others

  • Zealousideal_Fox900@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Made a post on a subreddit basically saying how I had been trying to get a gameboy then scalpers jumped in and rose the price well past anything I could spend. It got some attention, basically a bunch of advice only useful for people making 8888888K a year. Then, overnight, a fuckton of mostly american scalpers spam downvoted me.

      • Zealousideal_Fox900@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        Is this better my lord? 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888v