Vegan is a red flag for me.
News Junkie
Sports Fan
Military Veteran (Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, Odyssey Dawn)
Advocate for the Alliance for Peacebuilding
Vegan is a red flag for me.
It depends on your line of work, but a cellphone is not mandatory for employment. A cellphone will set you back on average $1,700 a year. If you have to have a phone number get a $ 20-a-month landline basic plan. We are talking about saving money but most people on here don’t want to save money, they just want to have more money.
Because you don’t need a cellphone, you want one; it’s convenient, but you don’t need one.
Back in my twenties we never went out, no cellphones, set goals, and did things cheaply.
Eventually logic and educated thought will drive them to somewhere else. Their ideas look great on paper but never live up to the hype. Human society doesn’t cooperate well in groups larger than one hundred. You need strict rules and major punishments for large groups and that leads to an imbalance of power and authoritarian rule.
Because the Fediverse is still small and they haven’t been drown out yet.
My parents didn’t think I was religious enough so I was forced to go to Catholic school. Thus became even more atheist. Also, religious people are the most hateful and dishonest people on the planet based on my experience.