Whenever I did meth and started pissing dark red pee my eyes would become so bad at focusing I needed strong reading glasses to read my monitor.

I heard eyeballs are full of liquid and it made me wonder - are my eyes being canalised for water due to the meth induced dehydration?

P.S. I mention meth because there’s a big difference in severity between normal dehydration - which is bad - and meth-induced which is 10xTERRIBLE but less easily spotted.

    • baldingpudenda@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Stimulants raise your blood pressure. If you add that you start dehydrated which means the kidneys are already working hard to filter, it could be causing severe kidney damage. They probably have years of abusing their organs.

    • Fudoshin ️🏳️‍🌈@feddit.ukOP
      8 months ago

      It didn’t used to happen when I first did meth. But it happens after ~3 days of smoking meth and no water. I just forget to drink or eat for 3+ days and have one long piss after no pissing for 3 days either. So it could be bladder injury or just fucked kidneys? I dunno. I don’t really care tbh. It could also just be VERY dark yellow to the point of being reddish-brown? Cos of the sheer quantity it can make the colour even darker.

      I’ve filled 1.5x 1L bottles before with piss. That’s 1500ml which is higher than the male limit of 800ml. So maybe my bladder is stretched to bleeding point?

      There was a kinda catharsis knowing I was destroying my body. I’ve failed at suicide for 20yrs so fucking myself completely in other ways is a kind of sick-comfort.

      I don’t do meth anymore, though I miss the damage it caused.

  • Corroded@leminal.space
    8 months ago

    I doubt it. I feel like there’s easier places for your body to get water. I imagine it has more to do with your eyes not focusing or dilating as easy and maybe to do with the amount you are blinking potentially.

    I feel like if meth shrunk eyeballs or otherwise harvested their moisture they would have used that in drug prevention programs they run at middle schools.

  • CTDummy@lemm.ee
    8 months ago

    Eyes need lubrication to function properly so dehydration will impact them. I know when I’m lacking sleep and it’s hot at work I have trouble with focusing on things when I get home. I assume due to not producing enough tears which increase the amount of friction in your eyes and increasing the effort requires to move them around.

  • Mamertine@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    I’m no doctor, but I’m told dehydration causes vision problems. As your said, eyeballs are balls of liquid. When you’re dehydrated they don’t work right.