He was a good guy. I think he’d appreciate the dark humor done without ill intent.
My news source: memes
My brain did this whole “did he die recently? Is this an old meme and he died years ago? Is he still alive and I’m just overthinking it?” thing
For others finding out this way: https://www.cbssports.com/boxing/news/george-foreman-dies-at-76-heavyweight-boxing-legend-famous-entrepreneur-leaves-big-legacy/
If anyone wants to see what an absolute menace he was in his prime, this is a great documentary (and a great YouTube channel rabbit-hole–fantastic production).
The shot that always sticks with me is George’s trainer trying his best to hold onto the already-heavy heavy bag, while George knocked the bag AND the trainer around with every punch.
I was hoping to see this here.
But also hoping to not see this here.