• Two things:

    1. I have taken over [email protected] from the squatter who had created it because I anticipate some action once the DLC comes out and the only other ER community is on .ML.

    2. When I made and deleted a post after just a few seconds to add my primary account as a moderator (since you can only do that with users who have posted in the community) it got down voted twice in less than a minute, which makes it feel like someone is following me just to downvote me. Just wanted to say hi to my stalker.

    • iamtrashman1312@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      You’re fairly visible with the way your username is (I see you in lots of different communities myself, this may not even be the first time I’ve spoken to you lol) and while it doesn’t matter to me or probably ≥99% of posters/commenters here it also appears you’re a furry judging from instance

      It’s unfortunate, but that’s all it takes to get a few losers with too much time to creep and downvote

      Also: I look forward to the ER content friendo, I’ll be subscribing momentarily