What are everyone’s thoughts on bots like piped bot and tdlr bot
I don’t click piped links myself, but some people find them useful.
As for tldr bot, it’s useful insofar it gets an idea across for wether I want to read the article, but leaves out a lot of information, often vital to the story, and leaves in fluff.
They aren’t perfect, but useful for some.
Same. Personally, for whatever reason, piped links almost never work for me. I’m sure they work for others or the bot posts wouldn’t get upvotes. Revanced or Firefox with a blocker almost always work for me though.
PipedBot: no issues with it.
TldrBot: I get frustrated with the number of times I see a story where only the bot has commented. “There’s someone here… No there’s not”.
It’s not the bots fault really, but I wonder if it should wait until somebody else has commented so zero comment stories stay at zero.
I think most clients should implement some kind of logic to remove bot comments form the comment counts. AFAIK, lemmy already has a feature to distinguish bots(?), so it should probably should be possible to at least suggest some easy enough api for that if none exist currently.
Comment count should really just show “0 (1) comments”
I think they live on a beautiful botfarm somewhere. They come here every day and give us the same alternative links to youtube videos and alike over and over again. Their life is simple. They don’t engage much. They find purpose in the small tasks we give them. And I think they are happy.
This was beautiful to read. Thank you!
Pipedbot: hate it. Piped has never once worked for me and the bot’s formatted comments are massive. If you prefer an alternative YouTube frontend, it should be on you to open it using the canonical link you’re given IMO. I blocked this bot months ago.
TLDR bot: I didn’t like it back when it didn’t use spoiler tags since its comments were enormous. Now I don’t mind as long as it makes them collapsible by default.
Other bots: it depends on what they do and how obtrusively they do it
Piped bot is annoying. I never bother using it’s links. I have ReVanced for that. I don’t know if the links it makes are actually useful to anyone.
What I would love is a bot that takes yt links and posts the corresponding title and description of the video.
This would better be done in the front-end rather than a comment bot.
The Piped bot pisses me off because it doesn’t seem to check if the triggering comment already includes the exact link it’s about to post. I used to preemptively include Piped links with any YouTube ones but since it would trigger the bot anyway I just stopped bothering.
Aside from the clutter it adds, until I added the bot itself to my blocklist (instead of just relying on “Show bots” being unchecked in settings) it would also cause reply notifications that couldn’t be cleared in the default Lemmy web UI.
Conceptually useful bots (even if they aren’t always great) like those two I approve of. You can easily ignore them, but they’re there for when you want them.
The meme bots that were on reddit like grond we could do without. They were fun at the time, but I’m glad we don’t have them here.
I find them a bit annoying, particularly TLDR bot, as it sometimes butchers articles by leaving out key information, so much so that it nearly borders on misinformation (eg, in an article about a SE Asian country voting on gay marriage, it cut out all portions about the vote, suggesting that it was legalized when it hadn’t been voted on yet or passed.)
Unfortunately, it gets highly upvoted, so many people skip the article and think that this country now has legalized gay marriage when it actually has not.
Also will never present things like date of publication or author. Both of which can change the context of the whole thing.
I bloody love them both. Yeah, tldr isn’t perfect, but it’s usually “good enough”. And the piped bot makes life so much easier for anyone wanting to share something cool without having to jump through that extra hoop.
True QOL bots, both of them
Pipedbot is great, I didn’t know about piped until I came to Lemmy and now I use it pretty frequently
Like them both. But theyre both flawed.
Piped doesn’t seems to always work for me. Tldr bot doesñsn’t always provide vital information
I like both of them. I’m pro bot. I miss the spaghetti hentai bot.
It’s a mixed bag. Piped bot is just generally “meh” for me. With all the ad blocking I have turned on, I don’t really see ads on Youtube and would rather give what little support my views provide to the creators on the platform. I also subscribe to Nebula to try and support them directly.
Many of the bots, especially the really noisy re-post type bots I tend to block. Sure, I want to see content on Lemmy, but a bot reposting everything from a site has a problem with just creating a lot of noise without any sort of filtering for interesting content. But, since I can block them selectively, I’d rather people had the room to create and I’ll just remove the ones I don’t like from my feed. Everyone wins.
Both of em pretty good
The piped bot links don’t work me and I don’t need them anyway.
On android, I changed the default permissions from the regular YouTube app to “ask every time”. Other installed apps that support YouTube links will then show up in the prompt when opening YouTube links.