I’ve already gone over this with you. Someone eating meat doesn’t harm me just like my government banning gay marriage doesn’t harm me just like my government legalizing slavery doesn’t harm me. I don’t care if it doesn’t harm me, it harms someone and we don’t need to do it. The Nazis weren’t harming Americans. Do you think we were wrong to step in and tell them to stop killing Jews in Europe?
There is no reason you have to tell others how they should live their lives if they don’t ask you for your opinion.
You continue to make arguments that slavers would have made against abolitionists
Okay… you’re clearly vapor-locked on that and have no intention to stop using false equivalence, so like the others, you’re getting tagged with “Blowhard Vegan” and getting blocked for a time.
I keep coming back to slavery because you keep making arguments in defense of it. I could use rape or murder or robbery or neglect or physical abuse or genocide or any number of obviously evil things as examples instead, because your logic allows for all of those to be acceptable. It’s not a false equivalence, because I’ve never once equated any of these subjects. All I’ve talked about is what your underlying logic leads to.
“You’re not the one being harmed” is not a justification for harming something, it’s an attempt to shut someone up when they’re pointing out that you’re harming something.
I’ve already gone over this with you. Someone eating meat doesn’t harm me just like my government banning gay marriage doesn’t harm me just like my government legalizing slavery doesn’t harm me. I don’t care if it doesn’t harm me, it harms someone and we don’t need to do it. The Nazis weren’t harming Americans. Do you think we were wrong to step in and tell them to stop killing Jews in Europe?
You continue to make arguments that slavers would have made against abolitionists
So now we’re back to slavers?
Okay… you’re clearly vapor-locked on that and have no intention to stop using false equivalence, so like the others, you’re getting tagged with “Blowhard Vegan” and getting blocked for a time.
Have a nice afternoon.
I keep coming back to slavery because you keep making arguments in defense of it. I could use rape or murder or robbery or neglect or physical abuse or genocide or any number of obviously evil things as examples instead, because your logic allows for all of those to be acceptable. It’s not a false equivalence, because I’ve never once equated any of these subjects. All I’ve talked about is what your underlying logic leads to.
“You’re not the one being harmed” is not a justification for harming something, it’s an attempt to shut someone up when they’re pointing out that you’re harming something.
comparing Jews to animals is what Nazis do. comparing slaves to animals is what slavers do.