Let hear them conjects

  • JubilantJaguar@lemmy.world
    6 days ago

    Clearly no Nordic country is a panacea. But the issues you mention are relevant to a whole bunch of northern European countries, many of which are pretty “socialist” by American standards.

    On the oil question, Norway is in any case the international exception. Most countries with oil are not socialist paradises but rather repressive police states. Or semi-failed, like Venezuela. Even before the climate crisis made it unethical, oil was a decent predictor of bad social outcomes. Norway aside, the world’s most successful countries, as measured by HDI rather than GDP, tend to have few natural resources. Or almost none at all, like Japan and Germany.

    It irritates me that, even today, people keep mentioning oil as some kind of magic solution. It’s the opposite and always has been.

    Norway being the only exception.

    • Lowpast@lemmy.world
      6 days ago

      I’m not sure if people are suggesting that oil itself is a magical solution or if they’re suggesting that having exclusive access to an extremely profitable resource (oil) enables a country with a tiny population to make socialism work.

      I have a strange feeling that if oil became worthless Norway would quickly stop doing socialism well

      • JubilantJaguar@lemmy.world
        6 days ago

        Not sure I understand this obsession with Norway. Its neighbors are doing just as well, and are just as “socialist” by American standards. The only substantive difference is that they don’t have sovereign wealth funds worth trillions. Because, all that oil money - Norway does not spend it. It keeps it for a rainy day. What makes Norway successful is not the oil money. The winning formula is human capital, not natural capital.

        Denmark is as successful a country as Norway on pretty much any metric.