• papalonian@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Perspective from a mid-twenties American. I realized it was horseshit during the 2016 Trump election.

    I was turning 18 just in time to vote in this election, and it was right around then that I started forming my own ideas about politics and what political “side” I stood on. Like a majority people with a semi-functioning brain, I thought Trump was an actual joke, a meme that had no chance at actually winning, like how we were acting when Kanye ran. Unironically, I thought that having trainwrecks of a leader was something that “other countries” did, obviously America wouldn’t let someone like this win because even though we make little mistakes here and there like Iraq and slavery we’re still the good guys and we wouldn’t actually let a moron like Trump become our president.

    When it became obvious that he was more than a joke and an actual serious candidate with high potential to win, I realized that the only people consistently talking about how amazing America was at everything were the people voting for him, and I started dissecting the things I’d taken for granted.

    • daddyjones@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      You think slavery was a “little” mistake?

      As an aside, my autocorrect wanted slavery to be Disney and I was a little tempted to let it stand.

      • JimboDHimbo@lemmy.ca
        7 months ago

        Nah I don’t think they think slavery was little. They were just being “cheeky.” You can tell because of the big jump from Iraq to slavery. If they used immigration instead of Iraq I’d have a different opinion on their intention.