



  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I personally don’t like ads because they’re intrusive, and because they are an attempt to manipulate my mind in some way in order to extract resources out of me. I’d like to keep my mind as clean as possible and not be a tool towards someone else’s ambition.

    I don’t mind ads on something like a TV, where you’re already passively consuming content, and the ads are just “here’s a product and how it can improve your life”. But in something interactive, they are incredibly intrusive, and most ads are made not about a product and why you’ll like it, but they’re done in ways that are tested and optimized to bypass your rational mind and appeal to your emotions or your lizard brain. I loathe being manipulated and have great disdain for those that attempt it.

    There’s also the factor specifically online of tracking and data mining. You want to show me a product, fine, you need to know what color my butthole is to sell it to me, go fuck yourself.

  • Who cares if it’s okay, that’s subjective. I have limited clock cycles, attention span, and I have to prioritize what I’m going to expend energy on. I don’t have time to get to know every person I encounter. I’ve got people and things in my life that matter to me, if I see you and you’ve got face tattoos I’m judging, cry about it. If I have a reason to get to know you maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised. I doubt it. I’ve got a life to live, pattern recognition is a core part of my nature as a creature that I’m evolved to have, I’m gonna make use of that strength. Maybe if you don’t want to be judged as a scumbag don’t deliberately express mutable scumbag traits. Even if I’m wrong about someone I won’t regret it, it’s highly unlikely that if I were more open minded that their presence would’ve enriched my life and they would’ve become my best friend. It’s a cost benefit analysis. the likelihood that someone who deliberately expresses scumbag behavior wouldn’t behave like a scumbag is below 50%, and where I am wrong, they don’t need me to love them, they have people in their lives that know them and love them and why would they want to hang around a judgmental asshole anyway? Nobody really loses anything.