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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I would agree with you that something similar to metric would eventually arise, but I would consider duodecimal to make more sense than decimal, as 12 is a superior highly composite number and the terminating representation is much shorter for more commonly used fractions (e.g. 1⁄4 would be represented as 0.3, 1⁄3 as 0.4, 1⁄2 as 0.6, etc). I would also argue that groupings in powers of 12² make more sense than 10³.

    I would also argue that it would make more sense for measurements to be based on natural units (such as Planck length) for all the basic measurements (second, metre, kilogram, ampere, kelvin, mole, and candela), such that the anthropic unit (the one you’d most commonly refer to without prefixes) would be some multiple of 12 away from the natural unit.

  • Sounds painful with a high possibility of breaking bones then drowning while conscious. I’d recommend an inert gas that’s not CO2 and readily available, like nitrogen or something (CO2 buildup in the blood is what gives the sensation of suffocation). If you’re worried about people finding you and a mess, get an enema and stay a bit dehydrated first, and also ensure your body’s found within the first 2-3 days if possible (the first thing your corpse does is shit itself, and rot sets in pretty quickly).

    This of course presumes you’re making the decision to end yourself while of sound mind, not in some panic, feeling trapped or completely hopeless. There’s usually a way out that’s not as permanent and can lead to future positive interactions that make continued living worth the pain. That said, I’ll never judge someone whose pain outweighs their will to live.

  • I do believe you have to have serious mental health issues to remain a billionaire, and I do pity them; in a perfect world the possibility of such wealth disparity wouldn’t exist, and those with those tendencies would get the help they need without being surrounded by yes-men hoping for a sliver of wealth. They are probably incredibly emotionally isolated and lonely, and the pain they cause through hoarding is inexcusable and it would be better for everyone if that wealth was redistributed, including themselves.

  • One of the reasons I was able to argue my ADHD was impacting my life negatively was the fact I was drinking enough coffee to hurt my health just to feel human and I still had executive dysfunction, so stimulants would be more effective and overall work as harm reduction. Now I’m not even on stimulants (technically), I’m finding bupropion works best for me. I still have a small cup of coffee in the morning, as it keeps me regular.

  • Grey goo also doesn’t work because it’d almost certainly use the same building blocks as life, and in a competition with life, life’s probably going to be the winner. Even if it didn’t, unless it’s doing weird cold fusion subatomic interactions (probably impossible) to make more of whatever element it’s composed of, it’ll just run out of food in whatever local environment it’s in.

  • I mean if it’s abandonware it’s ethical to reverse engineer and open source the reverse engineered platform, maybe even fork it and provide some sort of extensible framework for various plugins, or convert the kernel to a new architecture or even virtualize it. Hopefully we can also work out the bugs and the more glaring issues soon (looking at you, upright vertebrae).