Cat naps during the day
nap for 30 minutes - no more - no less … go beyond 30 mins and you’ll be groggy … go under 30 mins and you won’t feel rested
I worked on several construction jobs with old pros, guys that had been doing this work for decades. They would start work at 6am and work until dark … but during the day at least once, they would just go lie down for 30 mins, sleep, wake and then go back to work again.
Whenever I get down during the day because of lack of sleep, I just go lie down for 30 mins and more often than not, it does work.
Best thing to do is read … and read as much and as often as you can. Especially when you are young and under the age of 30 as all that reading will shape and guide the test of your life and you will remember and be impacted by everything you take in.