Tropical vacation with sex, drugs, and pizza
Tropical vacation with sex, drugs, and pizza
I don’t know, but I actually do want to try it
I’ve actually never met anyone like this. I think people on social media want a binary so they simplify all opinions into fascism vs antifascism and then point and laugh at those who try to bring the details back into the discussion. They claim that centrists are somehow “splitting the difference” between fascism and antifascism.
It’s so illogical I can’t help but rule it out when trying to understand someone’s train of thought.
Can you describe what a centrist is? It sounds like you might just be talking about undecided voters
Centrists are people who prefer not to artificially simplify problems before coming up with a solution. Top right panel is a ridiculous strawman
I wouldn’t worry, she has nein lives
The very existence of this thread is proof.
“I feel bad for you.”
“I don’t think about you at all”
I’d recommend breaking up with him if you haven’t already
You could easily reverse the genders and this would still be funny. He’s saying it to her face, it’s like a roast
Edit: Y’all are some sad motherfuckers here on Lemmy. You’re not supposed to take jokes seriously. It’s literally a shitpost, nobody is here on their soapbox saying women are bad
I’d say the smarter elites would fare better in democracy since there are more options. But it also means arranging the perfect life yourself without burning through all your money.
In dictatorships you can just order people to make your life easy but there are fewer options overall and the people serving you fear for their lives
There’s a mission exactly like this in GTA V, you kill the LifeInvader CEO and watch the stock market go brrrrr
Not with that attitude
Racism is a real issue, race is made up and needs to go away. If we divide people arbitrarily using a skin color chart, we’re encouraging people’s minds to see differences where there aren’t and feeding the beast that is racism. We need to recognize the effects of racist behavior, but not play their game
I agree 100%. The answer is that people are dumb and like tribalism so they keep it going. Anyone that thinks perpetuating division will result in progress is an idiot, and frankly identity politics are a distraction from real issues like poverty
How do you screen phone calls without voicemail?
Hitler lost WW2, the south lost the American civil war, and we haven’t all nuked each other (yet)
It’s funny, sir never held any connotation of age for me. But I’ve heard ma’am apparently does. Was she expecting another word? Like miss or something?