• 2 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 17th, 2024


  • Capitalism/the profit motive is how physicians get caught in these systems of apathy. My comment isn’t an over simplification, it is the root cause.

    Is the entirety of the healthcare system incredibly complex? Absolutely, and within that complex system there are all sorts of problems that could be teased out to study and address. None of that will dramatically change the outcome of a system that is designed solely to extract as much profit as it can.

    When profit is the primary goal of a healthcare company (and the legally mandated responsibility of that company if it is publicly traded) the end result is the system we have.

  • The profit motive needs to be removed from healthcare, or patients will continue to get fucked.

    Healthcare needs to be separated from employment, and the profit motive needs to be removed from healthcare.

    Should the government run it? Maybe not, but what’s the alternative? It’s like every election. Choosing one of two bad choices and hoping you choose the less bad.

    And in the case of healthcare, I’ll take government run, profit free, tax funded healthcare over what we have now.

    Edit: autocorrect error.

  • I am like you, and love the idea of starting up a food truck business. I wouldn’t do it unless I was already wealthy enough to just pour money into it, hire people to deal with the admin, and leave me the fuck alone to cook.

    I ran my own (non food) business for a decade. My experience is anecdotal. I don’t pretend I reflect the reality of running your own business, but it fucking sucked.

    I spent so much fucking time on admin. I worked 80+ hour weeks, for what amounted to less than minimum wage. After a decade I burnt out and shut it down and now I work a dumb job that I give no fucks about and cook at home with my wife for us and for friends for the sheer pleasure of it.

    Edit: my business was based on something I loved to do, and I hated all of the “business” parts of the business.

  • I’ve got a raspberry pi 4 (8GB) running Kodi (via osmc) hooked up to our tv. The tv itself is a Roku tv that isn’t allowed to connect to the internet.

    I’ve also got a pc that used to be my streaming/video editing rig back when I used to make videos, but I repurposed it as my server, and it runs Jellyfin, along with a host of other apps/services for me and my family.

    The pc is older, but as a server it works great. Biggest drawback is power consumption, it’s not nearly as efficient as a mini pc with a n100 or something similar, but for my purposes it works great.

  • So, this took way longer than I thought it would, mostly because I needed the time to sit down and actually type this up.

    Full credit, I followed the instructions in this video from Wolfgang’s Channel

    Prerequisites (this is based on my setup, the api key requirement will vary based on your domain registrar/service):

    • Docker & Docker Compose
    • NGINX Proxy Manager running via Docker
    • A registered domain to use for your lan
    • An API key from your domain registrar/service

    I’m running NGINX Proxy Manager, using this docker-compose.yml, which I got straight from the NGINX Proxy manager website.

    version: '3.8'
        image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest'
        restart: unless-stopped
          - '80:80'
          - '81:81'
          - '443:443'
          - ./data:/data
          - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt

    I’ve got my domain managed by Cloudflare (yes, I know they’re evil, what company isn’t?), so these instructions will show setup using that, but NGINX Proxy Manager supports a whole bunch of domain services for the HTTP-01 challenge.

    With all prerequisites in place, here are the steps:

    • Log in to your NGINX Proxy Mananger (you can access the service and login at port 81 of the machine hosting it)
    • In the top menu, click the SSL Certificates tab
    • Click the Add SSL Certificate button
    • Choose Let’s Encrypt for the certificate type
    • In the Add Let’s Encrypt Certificate dialog, input the following
      • Domain Names: Input the domain root, as well as a wildcard subdomain. You’re entering both domains into the same field. After entering each domain, press the enter/return key on your keyboard to confirm the domain. For example, if you domain is abcde.com, input:
    • Email Address for Let’s Encrypt: Any valid email address you’d like to use
    • Toggle the Use a DNS Challenge option on (when you toggle this on, a new set of options will appear)
      • DNS Provider: Choose yours. I chose Cloudflare
      • Credentials File Content: Delete the prepopulated dummy api key and paste in your actual api key
    • Propagation Seconds: I put in 120 to give it two minutes. You can try leaving it blank, but if the DNS records haven’t propagated, you may get an error (I did when I tried leaving it blank during setup).
    • Toggle on the I Agree to the Let’s Encrypt Terms of Service option - Click Save

    Once you get a success message, you can start creating proxies with NGINX Proxy Manager for your internal domain. To do that you will need the ip address and port you are forwarding the domain to for your lan service. If you are using Docker containers, you’ll need the Docker ip, which you can get from the command line with:

    ip addr show | grep docker0

    You should get an ip address like

    Otherwise you’ll just need the ip address of the machine you’re running the service on.

    To set up a proxy redirect:

    • In NGINX Proxy Manager click the Hosts tab/button and then choose Proxy Hosts.
    • Towards the upper right click the Add Proxy Host button
    • In the New Proxy Host dialog box, input the following:
      • Domain Names: input the domain address (subdomain or tld) you wish to use for the service. For example. homepage.abcde.com, then press enter to confirm the domain
      • Scheme: leave set to http
      • Forward Hostname/IP: Input either the host machine ip, or the docker ip
      • Forward Port: Input the appropriate port for the service
      • Cache Assets: Toggle on
      • Block Common Exploits: Toggle on
      • Websockets Support: Toggle on if the service needs websockets
      • Click the SSL tab of the New Proxy Host dialog box to set up the ssl certificate
      • In the SSL tab, input the following:
        • Click the None under SSL Certificate and select your local domain + wildcard subdomain certificate
        • Toggle on the Force SSL, HTTP/2 Support, HSTS Enabled, and HSTS Subdomains options
        • Click Save

    Once the save is complete you should be able to input the new domain for you lan services and get a secure connection.*

    *Bear in mind some services require you to specify a valid domain for the service within the config/settings. Double check any services you may be running for this if you plan to use a reverse proxy with them.