This is an amazing joke. Really fucking funny once you find the filter in the original picture
This is an amazing joke. Really fucking funny once you find the filter in the original picture
I’m glad you beat me to it. Outstanding bit.
Found the Canadian
So that’s the reason as guys age we end up hairer on our bodies and end up walking around like bald gorillas.
Or some dickhead who happened to find the secret potion to immortality, like in the book all men are mortal
Guy literally spent decades lounging by the pool at a shitty motel lol
Great-Grandma says that’s not the only thing that was extra long
Thanks, bae It’s nice to relax for a bit, get day drunk, and forget about tracking macros. Also spending quality time with my nephews, and teaching them about various sea critters in tidal pools.
I’ll be all business again in about 3 days
Lol. Lmao even. Geochemistry is a big deal. Take a look at the Anaconda Mine.
Bro is built like a Gazelle
Wheel of time movies or TV show THE RIGHT FUCKING WAY
And if it gets out of the box it is shot
Wait what? We switch?
That’s right. More cum than you can imagine.
Depends on how strongly you value your relationship with your brother. He may be a fuckwaffle, but he is your fuckwaffle. It’s big of you setting your differences aside. If you don’t go, and he means a lot to you outside of his political views, then you might regret not going. If you don’t really care for him and political ideology is more important then dont go. I think not going is kind of crossing the Rubicon, but I don’t know the situation part from your details
See spot. See spot run. Spot has a gun. Run from spot, run!
Is it fat shaming if I’m shaming my own fat ass?
That’s a big step. What is your degree in?
I’ll just leave this skit here .https://youtu.be/P0PJovYgAFE