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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Before anyone can answer the question: “Are we doomed?,” we must determine who “we” is, and what “doomed” means. If we take it to mean the near-term extinction of our species, there’s no reason to believe that will happen, even if the worst of the projected climate scenarios occurs between now and the end of the century. That being said, some people are doomed. Even under the most optimistic climate scenarios, sea levels will continue to rise, heat waves will become more severe and more frequent, as will wild fires, floods, droughts, etc. Some people will die as a result of these natural disasters. Which people? It’s more likely to be people who live in relatively poor, unstable countries, and less likely to be people who live in relatively wealthy, stable countries.

    The long and short of it is: some people are doomed, but many, if not most people, will probably be just fine.

  • (Post) modern life is so empty, it’s so soulless. Society has been deconstructed and we are all now fully atomized, utility maximizing individuals in an endless cycle of earning and consuming. Earn, consume - make money, spend money. Interpersonal relationships, family, community have all become secondary to the earn/consume cycle. We now all only live to serve the endless profit behemoth. Even nature itself is only a tool for profit.

    We need to reintegrate back into the natural world and refocus on community and human relationships. We need to prioritize sustainability, health, happiness, and well being for ourselves and future generations over short term individual gains and immediate gratification.