This would be solved if coin op washers locked. You could take the key like in a gym locker room. They’d probably have to charge per cycle + time to keep people from leaving them all day.
This would be solved if coin op washers locked. You could take the key like in a gym locker room. They’d probably have to charge per cycle + time to keep people from leaving them all day.
Is that the case for the AMD boards as well?
BU is a good bet, sticker price is expensive but the financial aid is pretty decent if you can take advantage. I’d definitely recommend them picking a school somewhere they’d probably want to live after college, as getting employment in the same area you’re going to school is much easier.
I don’t really think it’s any of those things in particular. I think the problem is there are quite a few programmers who use OOP, especially in Java circles, who think they’re writing good code because they can name all the design patterns they’re using. It turns out patterns like Factory, Model View Controller, Dependency Injection etc., are actually really niche, rarely useful, and generally overcomplicate an application, but there is a subset of programmers who shoehorn them everywhere. I’d expect the same would be said about functional programming if it were the dominant paradigm, but barely anyone writes large applications in functional languages and thus sane programmers don’t usually come in contact with design pattern fetishists in that space.
Just rented a KIA Niro and wouldn’t have been able to tell it was an EV from the interior. HSS Bluetooth but I usually opt for Android auto.
IMO the syntax is fine except for the borrow checker shit that just looks arcane. The fact that everything cargo drags in is statically linked really turns me off the language for anything serious. It’s really unfortunate because I’d otherwise put some time into learning it, but it seems like the rust foundation is fine with this (ridiculous IMO) workflow.
Tbf, does anyone actually “like” C++?
Yeah, for this reason I would pretty much never encourage exceptions in Python over some other form of error handling. It’s so frustrating when called code throws some random exceptions that are completely undocumented. This is one of the few things Java got (sort of) right
Isn’t a huge part of the point of copy left licences that an author can’t change the license without rewriting the code entirely?
So pissed at YouTube (Google) you’re switching to Android (…)? Was this their master plan all along?
A dedicated server is needed because something needs to keep a catalog of the smart devices available on your network and ideally be accessible to many people in one household. You could make a system that went phone -> device but you would need to set up each device on each phone you wanted to use, which isn’t a great user experience. You could also run into issues where devices would need to handle multiple conflicting commands from different users coming in at once. Since smart devices are usually trying to use as little power as possible, that extra complexity would hurt you in that department. The third reason is that having a separate server enables automated workflows that would depend on an always online server that orchestrates multiple devices. For example, let’s say you have some automatic insulating blinds, a smart thermostat. You want to raise and lower the blinds to maximize your energy efficiency. Since you have the dedicated server, that server can check the temperature set point of your thermostat, current weather, and sunrise\sunset times. If it’s sunny out, and your set point is higher than the outdoor temperature, the server can raise the blinds to let warm sunlight in, and vice versa. If only your phone could control the devices a workflow like this couldn’t work when you were out of the house.
Some perceptural hash of the actual ads could work to. You could run into legal trouble sending the ads themselves or the hosts speaking.
I wouldn’t recommend it. The Git documentation itself doesn’t recommend rebase for more than moving a few unpushed commits to the front of a branch you are updating. Using it by default instead of merge requires you to use --force-push as part of your workflow which can lead to confusing situations when multiple developers end up commiting to the same branch, and at worst can lead to catastrophic data loss. The only benefit is a cleaner history graph, which is rarely used anyway, and you can always make the history graph easier to read with a gui without incuring any of the problems of rebase.
If you want to share a set of feeds between devices, and sync read/unread, organization, etc.
One of the main things I feel is missing is there doesn’t seem to be a way to view and track all tasks in all your pages, I generally like tasks to live with the relevant info rather than in the journals. Do you know if there’s a way to get something like that?
I’ve been using Logseq and syncing via syncthing, but you can sync with any file syncing service
This is basically just a way nicer, more flexible cron syntax being dressed up as something ridiculous. There are legitimate reasons for wanting something like this, like running some sort of resource heavy disk optimization the first Friday evening of every month or something.