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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: September 21st, 2024


  • can’t say for every store, but we were told “it makes us look lazy and disinterested in being friendly or helpful to our customers”.

    typical boomer bullshit.

    they did let the little. old lady greeters use a chair, although that’s likely because of ADA compliance requirements they had to follow and not because they grew a heart.

  • that’s exactly the point. WM mgmt sees that as a win. every employee has a queue depth they can complete in x time, be it customers they help or tasks they complete.

    if you can’t complete the minimum queue depth according to WM you’re pulled up for a performance eval and eventually fired.

    Mgmt doesn’t want to hire more people because “home office” provides a bonus to mgmt to keep operation costs low. at “performing” stores this can be as much to go out and buy a new car.

    so the next time you’re waiting in line for an hour at WM ask to speak to the store mgr directly, or better yet ask for the contact details of the district mgr. enough complaints and that store is marked as “non-performant” and the store (and mgrs) will be pulled up for a performance eval.

  • I don’t have a problem with self-check. I use it most the time because I usually have < 10 items.

    I DO have a problem with only self-check lanes being open or only ONE regular clerk check lane open. both of which happen at walfart.

    I know this because I used to work there and policy was to hire floor associates that can run a register so the store won’t need to pay for cashiers just standing around.

  • years ago I gamed the casinos on an old Intel II that was slow a shit online. The cup game was the easiest to beat. because of this, I had collected over 7 million bottles of sand that were worth like 1np.

    ffw a few years and I sign in and these things were some kind of quest item and were selling for like 40np.

    I flooded the market with my stock at 5np each, caused a run on the bottled sand market and caused a market crash.

    got my account banned. they refused to activate my account and said I hacked their system because there was no other way to get that many bottles.

    and that’s how I tried to usurp the corrupt neopet kingdom and never played again.

  • as a full stack dev, everything you said has offended me.

    port 20 is used for FTP, unless you were using FTP, then go right ahead. Guessing that since you didn’t know the protocol you were not using FTP.

    port usage reservations are incredibly important to ensure that the system is running within spec and secure. imagine each interface like a party telephone line and the ports are time slots.

    your neighborhood has reserved specific times (ports) for everyone to call their relatives. if you use the phone not in your slot (port) your neighbors might get pissed off enough to interrupt your slot. and then it’s just chaos from there.