• yesman@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    So, what’s the deal with this trial anyway? I slept on it while it was going on. I remember Reddit was overwhelmingly united behind Depp; I assumed that Heard was in the right.

      • Corhen@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Basically, both have serious problems, while I definitely leaned team Depp, I wouldn’t have been surprised if it had gone the other way.

        • Ab_intra@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          That’s the thing tho. We don’t know enough to make that call. While I get people takes sides this is about other people’s private life and it should stay that way.

          • Syrc@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            Unpopular opinion: it’s good that the trial had the media attention it had. If that hadn’t happened, everyone would still be thinking Heard is a saint like it was before the trial, even though proof the abuse happened both ways already surfaced.

            She crowned herself paladin against domestic violence while perpetrating it herself and the world needed to know how much of an ass she actually was. That’s also part of the reason why most people were team Depp: both were shitty people, but at least Depp had the decency not to go to court and play victim.

    • Bibliotectress@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I followed it a bit, and I followed the one that preceded it in England. Oddly, some evidence that was allowed in England wasn’t allowed in the US, and some evidence allowed in the US wasn’t allowed in England, so a lot of opinions are different based on which trial they paid more attention to.

      Basically, they’re both awful people who were regularly blackout drunk/high, and had a mutually abusive, toxic relationship. A lot of the arguing online is about who was the mostest abusive/toxic, partly (imo) based on the parasocial relationship they have with their celebrity of choice and who had the best zingers in court. In the US trial, Johnny Depp was charming in court and had GREAT lawyers, and Amber Heard came across as very fake (like she was performing for the jury) with terrible lawyers. In the England version, Johnny Depp admitted he didn’t remember what he did or didn’t do to her because he was really high and drunk a lot. They both have witnesses with pretty convincing stories. There was also a lot of fighting about who pushed whom down the stairs, who hit whom, who cut whom with a bottle, etc.

      TL;DR - They’re both emotionally unstable trash and would be AWFUL to date. You didn’t miss much.

      • Ab_intra@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        This was very refreshing to read. They are both shitty people and everyone thought that Amber was the one that was the issue. They are both to blame in my views, they are just as bad.

        What I hate is that such a case was viable like a fucking reality show. This is the private life of these people and the media just use this as some TV show. Fuck I hate humanity.

        I don’t give a shit who was right or wrong. Just that people start taking sides on something that is none of their business to begin with.