• ace_garp@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Early job delivering flowers in a work provided van. Late 90s.

    Company is a one-man-band with me as second employee/driver. Vans ‘maintained’ by the owners wishy washy mate.

    On a delivery run, driving down a hill toward a stop sign to cross a dual carriageway.

    Brakes fail.

    Quick engine braking down through the gears(column mounted) to first, and then pull the t-bar park brake to just pull up at the stop sign as two cars go past at 70kmh.

    Call the owner, tell him brakes have failed, he says “no they didn’t”, I see red and say “yes they fucking did, I quit”. I was seething.

    A corner cutting brake bleed, leaving air in the lines almost had me in a car accident. Yeah, fuck those clowns.