Behind the pretty UIs, computers and tablets are still computers, with CPUs running machine code residing in memory. Nothing has fundamentally changed since the 60s. Somebody has to continue to understand how it all works behind the scenes to move us forward, or we’ll have the movie “Idiocracy” coming true, and we’ll all stagnate as a species while an AI tries its best to manage us and keep us alive.
In your analogy, it would be as if we’re all still using mechanical typewriters, but have created an automaton with a pretty face to talk to which pushes the keys and changes the ribbon behind a curtain. The typewriter is still there.
Behind the pretty UIs, computers and tablets are still computers, with CPUs running machine code residing in memory. Nothing has fundamentally changed since the 60s. Somebody has to continue to understand how it all works behind the scenes to move us forward, or we’ll have the movie “Idiocracy” coming true, and we’ll all stagnate as a species while an AI tries its best to manage us and keep us alive.
In your analogy, it would be as if we’re all still using mechanical typewriters, but have created an automaton with a pretty face to talk to which pushes the keys and changes the ribbon behind a curtain. The typewriter is still there.