Blue opposes in words, but aids by supplying weapons while saying they can only be used for defense against other countries but not enforcing that restriction.
Blue maga folks make a post bitching again about left-wing voters staying home - precisely what those left wing voters explicitly and repeatedly warned the centrist dems they would do if Biden didn’t stop weapons shipments to Israel.
In that post, blue maga folks will say, “well, for some reason all the leftists who spoke against Biden have mysteriously disappeared. We never hear from them again. I guess they were all just Russian plants.”
In the comments, they receive numerous comments from leftists who didn’t vote for Kalama, or in my case, someone who did vote for Kamala, but still fully understands why people didn’t vote for her.
Blue maga downvotes the Hell out of the leftist post instead of engaging in good faith. They downvote until their posts cannot be seen anymore.
Blue maga goes on pretending that the anti-genocide leftists have all just mysteriously disappeared.
Leftists don’t let Nazis get into power, even if it means dealing with corporatists some more years.
You’re not a leftist. You did nothing to avoid the farthest of the right-wing from gaining possibly absolute power. You did nothing to keep things leftward, or even center right - you just allowed the fascists to take over without a struggle.
You’re not the resistance, you’re not a helper, you’re not leftist; you’re nothing.
Fun fact: the KPD refuses to work with the SPD becauae they view the SPD as “social fascists”. Since the KPD and NSDAP combined is a majority, that means the parties had to work with either one of the two to form a governement. Eventually a coalition government was formed with the NSDAP with hitler as chancellor, and the rest is history.
Fun fact: the SPD refused to work with the KPD because they viewed them as “just as bad as the Nazis” and instead supported the “moderate” right which only exacerbated the decline, and it was the candidate they endorsed (Hindenburg) because “he’s the only way to stop Hitler (and Thälmann)” who appointed Hitler chancellor and allowed him to seize power.
Let’s play a game. You and me have to agree on how to split $100, but if we don’t come to agreement, nobody gets anything. If I were a smart, rational person, then even if you were only willing to give me $1, I should accept, because it’s better than $0. But I’m not a smart, rational person, I’m stupid, I’m irrational, I’m spiteful and vindictive, oogy boogy, watch out! I’m gonna choose a number as my minimum, and if you offer me less than that, I’ll take my ball and go home, no matter how crazy or stupid it is to take nothing. And if you know that, I bet you offer me more than $1 next time.
Obviously, the “game theory rational” play of accepting any deal even if it’s $1 isn’t actually smart or reasonable, nor is it unreasonable to set and enforce a minimum standard for cooperation. We can argue over where that line should be drawn, but a line should be drawn somewhere, and I’m pretty damn sure genocide is crossing it.
Of course, it’s impossible to get you lot to see actual reason or understand how negotiation works, but failing that, I’d prefer that you see us as “stupid” or “unreasonable.” Because negotiating with a robot is incredibly easy, you hardly have to give them anything, just make it .000001% better than the alternative. But if you can convince the other side you’re “unreasonable,” then they’ll always be second-guessing “Did we give them enough?” So call us “stupid” as much as you like, it only gives us a stronger negotiating position 💅
Don’t forget:
4.5. Leftists get moderated for saying Biden supported genocide (with the reason given for the moderation being “misinformation”) and receive a ban.
And of course during the next primary: ‘we have to rally around 90% hitler to stand a chance against 100% hitler. 0% hitler is just too radical to win the general election. If anything we need more hitler to win over the centrists’
Blue is only ok with 1 external genocide and there was a possibility of pressuring Blue to be a decent human. Red is starting an internal genocide while supporting 2+ external genocides. Red would start another genocide just to be contrarian. With no other options less genocide is a fairly simple choice over more genocide. Not choosing less genocide allows more genocide. Congrats the blood is up to your knees and rising instead of just your ankles.
Again, we can’t make you see the point if you don’t want to.
You appear to be looking to not tell the two apart, and I don’t particularly care to go into all the reasons why this mentality is stupid and reductive as hell to the point of being actively poisonous to the ends you’re working to achieve. Because I’ve had this conversation before, and I literally can’t make you see the point in looking into the differences when you don’t want to. And, imo, that’s the exact mentality that got us here, because why bother voting less bad when ThErE’s No DiFfErEnCe BeTwEeN tHeM.
Perfect is the enemy of better, and chasing perfection instead of improving things is only going to burn it down. Which is also what a number of people who share your point of view want. And unfortunately, now is the time of monsters…
Propaganda works and it made a SHIT TON of Americans stupid enough to not grasp the obvious differences between the parties. All you have to do is browse both party’s voting history or look up both party’s criminal convictions and the difference becomes so extreme it’s undeniable.
But Americans are generally too lazy and stupid to do that simple task.
I’m trying to make a point about how similar they are, I don’t think you’ve understood that, don’t see the point in arguing with a leftist. We have a similar issue.
You should just stop posting on social media and start doing your due diligence and looking up both party’s voting history and criminal conviction history.
If you did, you’d stop this “both sides” bullshit.
Oh don’t get me wrong, I understand the point you’re trying to make just fine. It’s just a bad argument that falls apart if you aren’t entirely privileged and give it more than a cursory, surface level look.
I can’t tell the difference between red and blue genocide.
Blue opposes in words, but aids by supplying weapons while saying they can only be used for defense against other countries but not enforcing that restriction.
Red says fuck the Palestinians, genocide is fine.
There’s also the implication that Blue does have a line, somewhere. Probably related to polling numbers.
President Joe Biden Sets “Red Line” For Netanyahu (2024, Colorized)
Exactly. In my experience it works like this:
Blue maga folks make a post bitching again about left-wing voters staying home - precisely what those left wing voters explicitly and repeatedly warned the centrist dems they would do if Biden didn’t stop weapons shipments to Israel.
In that post, blue maga folks will say, “well, for some reason all the leftists who spoke against Biden have mysteriously disappeared. We never hear from them again. I guess they were all just Russian plants.”
In the comments, they receive numerous comments from leftists who didn’t vote for Kalama, or in my case, someone who did vote for Kamala, but still fully understands why people didn’t vote for her.
Blue maga downvotes the Hell out of the leftist post instead of engaging in good faith. They downvote until their posts cannot be seen anymore.
Blue maga goes on pretending that the anti-genocide leftists have all just mysteriously disappeared.
Leftists don’t let Nazis get into power, even if it means dealing with corporatists some more years.
You’re not a leftist. You did nothing to avoid the farthest of the right-wing from gaining possibly absolute power. You did nothing to keep things leftward, or even center right - you just allowed the fascists to take over without a struggle.
You’re not the resistance, you’re not a helper, you’re not leftist; you’re nothing.
Fun fact: the KPD refuses to work with the SPD becauae they view the SPD as “social fascists”. Since the KPD and NSDAP combined is a majority, that means the parties had to work with either one of the two to form a governement. Eventually a coalition government was formed with the NSDAP with hitler as chancellor, and the rest is history.
Oh wow, so it really is just a speedrun 1920s/30s Germany.
Yes, it’s starting to actually look like that.
Fun fact: the SPD refused to work with the KPD because they viewed them as “just as bad as the Nazis” and instead supported the “moderate” right which only exacerbated the decline, and it was the candidate they endorsed (Hindenburg) because “he’s the only way to stop Hitler (and Thälmann)” who appointed Hitler chancellor and allowed him to seize power.
So, like, they told us they were going to be stupid?
What do you do with people straight up telling you they’re going to be stupid?
Yes, we did.
Let’s play a game. You and me have to agree on how to split $100, but if we don’t come to agreement, nobody gets anything. If I were a smart, rational person, then even if you were only willing to give me $1, I should accept, because it’s better than $0. But I’m not a smart, rational person, I’m stupid, I’m irrational, I’m spiteful and vindictive, oogy boogy, watch out! I’m gonna choose a number as my minimum, and if you offer me less than that, I’ll take my ball and go home, no matter how crazy or stupid it is to take nothing. And if you know that, I bet you offer me more than $1 next time.
Obviously, the “game theory rational” play of accepting any deal even if it’s $1 isn’t actually smart or reasonable, nor is it unreasonable to set and enforce a minimum standard for cooperation. We can argue over where that line should be drawn, but a line should be drawn somewhere, and I’m pretty damn sure genocide is crossing it.
Of course, it’s impossible to get you lot to see actual reason or understand how negotiation works, but failing that, I’d prefer that you see us as “stupid” or “unreasonable.” Because negotiating with a robot is incredibly easy, you hardly have to give them anything, just make it .000001% better than the alternative. But if you can convince the other side you’re “unreasonable,” then they’ll always be second-guessing “Did we give them enough?” So call us “stupid” as much as you like, it only gives us a stronger negotiating position 💅
Don’t forget: 4.5. Leftists get moderated for saying Biden supported genocide (with the reason given for the moderation being “misinformation”) and receive a ban.
First we had the victim complex, now we introduce the pre-victim complex, now with more self pity!
There is a reason I wrote what I wrote.
Cool, more crying
And of course during the next primary: ‘we have to rally around 90% hitler to stand a chance against 100% hitler. 0% hitler is just too radical to win the general election. If anything we need more hitler to win over the centrists’
Thanks for putting this so early in the comment so I know to stop reading!
Thanks for outing yourself as blue maga.
Blue is only ok with 1 external genocide and there was a possibility of pressuring Blue to be a decent human. Red is starting an internal genocide while supporting 2+ external genocides. Red would start another genocide just to be contrarian. With no other options less genocide is a fairly simple choice over more genocide. Not choosing less genocide allows more genocide. Congrats the blood is up to your knees and rising instead of just your ankles.
That’s because you aren’t informed.
Well, we can’t make you see the difference if you don’t want to.
Of course there’s a difference if you really get into it, but much like the two main parties here, I don’t see the point.
Again, we can’t make you see the point if you don’t want to.
You appear to be looking to not tell the two apart, and I don’t particularly care to go into all the reasons why this mentality is stupid and reductive as hell to the point of being actively poisonous to the ends you’re working to achieve. Because I’ve had this conversation before, and I literally can’t make you see the point in looking into the differences when you don’t want to. And, imo, that’s the exact mentality that got us here, because why bother voting less bad when ThErE’s No DiFfErEnCe BeTwEeN tHeM.
Perfect is the enemy of better, and chasing perfection instead of improving things is only going to burn it down. Which is also what a number of people who share your point of view want. And unfortunately, now is the time of monsters…
Propaganda works and it made a SHIT TON of Americans stupid enough to not grasp the obvious differences between the parties. All you have to do is browse both party’s voting history or look up both party’s criminal convictions and the difference becomes so extreme it’s undeniable.
But Americans are generally too lazy and stupid to do that simple task.
I’m trying to make a point about how similar they are, I don’t think you’ve understood that, don’t see the point in arguing with a leftist. We have a similar issue.
You should just stop posting on social media and start doing your due diligence and looking up both party’s voting history and criminal conviction history.
If you did, you’d stop this “both sides” bullshit.
It’s American politics and both your parties look similar from where I’m sitting. Ours are far from perfect, but they’re still better.
What you say and what you want, do, and say don’t see to line up. You’d do great in US politics.
With your own mindset I’m gonna just say your government is much worse than ours in many ways and I don’t want to argue about it.
Oh don’t get me wrong, I understand the point you’re trying to make just fine. It’s just a bad argument that falls apart if you aren’t entirely privileged and give it more than a cursory, surface level look.
Just be glad you get multiple flavors to support you genocidal fuckwit.
Sorry, how am I a “genocidal fuckwit”? I voted for a party against genocide…
And how’s that going? Was the outcome in line with your protest vote?
I hope those Palestinians get ahold of you ;]
You don’t know what you’re on about cause you don’t know who I voted for. Have a good night.