Hypothetical: You have to walk 10 miles, >95% of it on sidewalks, through the bad part(s) of a dangerous American city starting at 9:00 PM on a Saturday night. Who of the following (in the body of this post) would you rather have as de facto bodyguards?

1a. Those randomly chosen consent and will collectively get $10 000 if you make through safely.

2b. No one in these choices is armed: at least not when you all begin your walk.

3c. 6 oz of alcohol is 100% and can be in the form of 12 oz of 100 proof booze, 48 oz of 25 proof wine, 192 oz of 6.25 proof beer, etc.

4d. The Roman, Chinese, and Zulu groups each have a middle age female translator.

16 randomly chosen female Americans, 25 to 35

12 randomly chosen male Americans, 25 to 35, 4’9" to 5’3"

12 randomly chosen male Americans, 25 to 35, each who has drunk 6 oz of alcohol in the past 30 minutes

12 randomly chosen male Americans, 55 to 70

24 randomly chosen Americans, 65 to 80

8 randomly chosen male Americans, 25 to 35

1 random person who’s been in the US Marines for over 10 years, but is under 35

6 Roman soldiers (circa 100 AD)

8 Chinese soldiers (circa 100 AD)

4 Zulu warriors (circa 1600 AD)

1 T-800 terminator in the same condition as the one in T-2 just before it got dipped in the molten metal

  • DMBFFF@lemmy.worldOP
    6 months ago

    Do they have to follow my directions?

    They want to get you through safely, if only for the $10 000.

    I suppose if any of the 24 can’t make it, they can stay behind.

    • Vanth@reddthat.com
      6 months ago

      That sounds like they might go cowboy and eff things up. They should keep their head down and keep walking. If the first risk is people not being able to walk 10 miles, the second is someone shooting their mouth off and drawing attention to the group.