Ok let’s give a little bit of context. I will turn 40 yo in a couple of months and I’m a c++ software developer for more than 18 years. I enjoy to code, I enjoy to write “good” code, readable and so.

However since a few months, I become really afraid of the future of the job I like with the progress of artificial intelligence. Very often I don’t sleep at night because of this.

I fear that my job, while not completely disappearing, become a very boring job consisting in debugging code generated automatically, or that the job disappear.

For now, I’m not using AI, I have a few colleagues that do it but I do not want to because one, it remove a part of the coding I like and two I have the feeling that using it is cutting the branch I’m sit on, if you see what I mean. I fear that in a near future, ppl not using it will be fired because seen by the management as less productive…

Am I the only one feeling this way? I have the feeling all tech people are enthusiastic about AI.

  • LordGimp@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    As a welder, I’ve been hearing for 20 years that “robots are going to replace you” and “automation is going to put you out of a job” yadda yadda. None of you code monkies gave a fuck about me and my job, but now it’s a problem because it affects you and your paycheck? Fuck you lmao good riddance to bad garbage.

    • pedestrian@links.hackliberty.org
      1 year ago

      Weirdly hostile, but ok. It’s like any other tool that can be used to accelerate a process. Hopefully at some point it’s useful enough to streamline the minutia of boring tasks that a competent intern could do. Not sure who is specifically targeting welders??

      If it frees up your time to focus on more challenging stuff or stuff you enjoy, isn’t that a good thing? Folks are dynamic and will adjust, as we always have.

      Don’t think there’s a good excuse to come at someone with animosity over this topic.