You could disable authentication if you run the server
I often use tone tags, so in their absence, try to interpret everything I say as literally as reasonable.
Formerly @[email protected]
You could disable authentication if you run the server
You won’t be able to play multiplayer if you do
I wonder how this works for logographic systems like Chinese, where the letter tells you nothing about the sound (though tbf English spelling is so bad that it’s almost at that level too).
There’s no way of knowing that, though. Perhaps their Linux and Darwin drivers wouldn’t have paniced the system?
Regardless, doing almost anything at the kernel level is never a good idea
Using “Next”
So true! I can also confirm it happens cross-linguistically
I’m pretty sure that would be ex uno, plura
No option to disable… that I found, that is.
Mine provides a connection, but doesn’t expose ports on v6. So I can access v6 services but can’t self-host any.
School teachers. Not deliberately, but there is a shortage of them here.
Before timezones and trains, each town had its own natural time (based on the sun or whatever). Would you have preferred that?
I can follow this, up to
I believe that that’s a decision made by translators of the bible. Hebrew doesn’t have lowercase letters, and the Greek versions of the New Testament that I found don’t capitalize as much. And are they distinct?