Still a very green banana.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • not sure why everybody’s butt is hurting over this comic

    Biden has ran on this platform his entire four years

    if his wrinkled catholic ass and his prosecutor wanted to do a better campaign and presidency they could but as it stands him and her just look like outdated, police loving, religious, zealots standing in the way of progress just like republicans

    both parties are actively saying “I am not that other guy.” and “We failed to get shit done because of that other guy and his guys”

    also both parties say you are wasting your vote voting third party

    at this point it is running like a cheesy ad with a company who says buy our product because the competitor’s offering sucks never bringing up actual pros and cons

  • some of us are not allowed to vote so doing the same thing as the last election

    hope people one day quit voting for one of the demopublicans and choose some third party

    as an american dissident unable to vote it feels like trapped in a country that does not want us deciding things or having a voice of any kind just here to be a disposable warm body

    yes it is like that rick and morty episode with the body theme park you know things are dying and rotting and falling apart around you but that is the extent of your powers unless someone on the outside intervenes