• 12 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024


  • Like I said this was in the Vista era. Or possibly before the Vista release, part of the Longhorn hype train (Longhorn got some super hyped features, such as an epic next-generation filesystem to replace NTFS, which Microsoft ultimately canned, and Vista ended up, you know, being Vista).

    This was so long ago that I unfortunately don’t remember what exact feature this was about, but it was about some new Windows component.

  • I can’t remember it, but I read one Microsoft blog post (in Vista era?) about how one team at Microsoft would develop some amazing new Windows component. They’d proudly name it AmazingNewService.dll. And then the operating system team would come in and say “that’s all fine and good, but you have to conform to the naming convention.” 8+3 filenames. First two letters probably “MS”, because of reasons. …and 15 years later, people still regularly go “What the fuck is MSAMNSVC.DLL?”

  • Maybe! Or maybe this whole new concept of dogness actually is something that needs rational consideration. Given no forthright consideration at all, it could be rejected at face value in every possible scenario! It is not at all unreasonable for the Homemade Dog to point out that additional time should be spent to consider their merits.

    And that their rejection is still a sad fact, because they were a homemade dog and as such they were made with love. Nothing really changes that fact.

  • Cyberpunk Edgerunners (the Netflix anime) is pretty damn great and well worth the watch.

    Cyberpunk 2077 is a pretty decent game too. Not a masterpiece it was originally hyped up to be, and a lot of things in the game just painfully remind me of things that other games do better, but it’s still a pretty damn gripping game with pretty incredible atmosphere and style. Probably pretty high in my best games of the decade list.

  • Salmo has two AI packages commanding him to take five loaves of bread to the Two Sisters Lodge at 10am and to the West Weald Inn at midday, but the packages never execute as he has no bread in his inventory and the packages are of “escort” type, meaning he doesn’t actively seek any out. It’s possible this bug was introduced to avoid another, more serious one: if bread is given to Salmo using the console or CS, he will walk to one of the inns as commanded, take a bite of bread, and the game will crash. (UESP)

    Right, this is classic Bethesda stuff right here.