• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Have you stopped to consider that labelling someone as the “enemy” is parlance mostly engaged in by conservatives? Progressives don’t usually think in those terms. To a progressive, you might be ignorant, misinformed, misguided, deluded, xenophobic, racist, or engaging in bad faith, but you are rarely the “enemy.” Even Trump himself although perhaps though of as an “enemy of democracy,” is not a personal enemy. Your response using that metaphor serves to highlight the conservative mind set of making it personal, and harboring an anger so deep that political disagreement is grounds for personal animosity and even violence.

  • You seem to think there are only two outcomes: completely forgotten, or remembered with profound sadness. Those are the self-imposed limitations of one who can’t come to terms with death. Choosing to forget loved ones is a slight to their entire existence. It’s time to realign your thinking. Remember those who have passed on with happiness and joy for what they were. Let their memory bring a smile to your face. That’s how I remember and how I hope to be remembered. Choose celebration not despair.