• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Well the first naive argument against that would be, why would anyone work hard to become an attorney if it doesn’t pay more than anything else? Why spend years in school if it’s not going to get you ahead?

    I guess in the star trek universe you do it because you like it?

    I want to believe maybe that might work?

  • I absolutely agree with this comic, and in a lot of ways I was the kid on the left.

    I struggle with the solution though. Isn’t it the purpose of all life about giving your offspring a better chance?

    When we give the kid on the right more opportunity, the left side will keep increasing their investment until it’s lopsided in their favor again.

    Maybe it’s not about trying to reach some theoretical absolute equity, but keeping the distribution at a healthy balance so that one side is not completely locked out of the game. That’s healthier for the whole community too since healthy competition ensures there’s progress.