Non alcoholic vegan Jesus lools down upon you.
Non alcoholic vegan Jesus lools down upon you.
Breadbane the Yeastman always rises!
Anything new good on netflix?
Bay of Pigs 2: America invades America on location in Cuba.
FoxCon 2: Nacho Boogaloo
Its like having a permenant place nobody ever looks at with no rules.
Way too convienient to get rid of.
Probably more a decision of the intelligence communities more than the military.
Well iirc, most adults have a submachine gun in the closet there.
Ironically, these are the times the electoral college was supposed to avoid. Also denounced political parties as corrupting. Still likely to have been coopted by now, but the design was to combat lack of education, lack of information, and/or propaganda.
The problem is he won the election.
The vote is the final check and balance.
49% of Voters are either sympatico or stupid.
Mars will be populated according to his rules…
They have all gone to live happily on a farm.
Reality keeps sliding into absurdity rendering satire mute.
With Leno chin.
Maybe we need to give an offering of Viagra if we want Jesus to come again.
Look, if they did that to Jesus they will do the same or worse to you without batting an eye.
If i summon baguettes out of fat air do they come buttered?