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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Just cant resist provoking hostility to feed that persecution complex, can you.

    See, this is unhinged. You’ve been antagonizing them this entire time.

    You’ve criticized them for bringing up rape, and yet you just can’t seem to leave them alone, can you? Weird.

    Some poor sap has come in here just to say something like “McDonald’s shouldn’t run their coffee machine so god damn hot if it’s going to fuse labia together,” and you’ve come in to correct the record: “Hm. Well. Actually, the only safe way to handle hot coffee is not to buy one. I’m very smart.” Cool. Thanks, dude. I don’t know what that has to do with anything, but I’m glad the abstinence-only sex ed seems to be working for you.

  • That’s right! Exactly.

    For instance, this is public, and if a bunch of random weirdos came in here and started saying things like “whoa, who let the monkey out of his cage?” or “I’m about to put something on his public platform = 1,000 unsolicited dicks,” there’s absolutely nothing you, or I, can do about that—and it would be wrong to do anything, of course!

    You’re cool, man, you get it.