• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • For the most part, defending free speech. It’s been watered down to be interpreted as “speech I agree with”.

    Polarization fed by poor education fed by poverty in the US over the last few decades has left people believing in false dichotomies; if you’re not with me you’re against me. See it on Lemmy a lot actually, people being nervous when you don’t clearly support or agree with them and then get defensive as they assume you must be “the other” group.

    We live in a world now where money and scale supporting shitty and /or dangerous ideas hardly make it the traditional town square of ideas though. I have my own internal struggles with it.

  • I’m in HR and am fascinated by the fact many union workers voted for and will likely again vote for Trump, despite it being so fantastically clear it’s against all their economic, legal, medical, safety and employment interests. The UAW is focusing on these voters right now, something like 50%(!) of UAW union members support Trump. Outside of misinformation, racism, xenophobia, or misogyny, I can’t see why they would vote for him or how their interests would align. Religion is an answer but of course, Trump is as religious as he is coherent.

  • Reading a book, Frostbite about the truly historically recency of constant, mechanical, cooling. I’m only a few chapters in and it’s a classic already, reminds me a bit of fast food nation.

    Humans have understood ice but didn’t master it until the last 150 years…really only a few generations and it completely changed what we eat, how we live and what we perceived as normal. There is a global food supply chain of cold storage and transportation that starts at a source and ends up in your fridge.

  • Death Is Nothing At All, By Henry Scott Holland

    Death is nothing at all.

    I have only slipped away to the next room.

    I am I and you are you.

    Whatever we were to each other,

    That, we still are.

    Call me by my old familiar name.

    Speak to me in the easy way

    which you always used.

    Put no difference into your tone.

    Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.

    Laugh as we always laughed

    at the little jokes we enjoyed together.

    Play, smile, think of me. Pray for me.

    Let my name be ever the household word

    that it always was.

    Let it be spoken without effect.

    Without the trace of a shadow on it.

    Life means all that it ever meant.

    It is the same that it ever was.

    There is absolute unbroken continuity.

    Why should I be out of mind

    because I am out of sight?

    I am but waiting for you.

    For an interval.

    Somewhere. Very near.

    Just around the corner.

    All is well.

  • May your Tupperware and zip locks never fully close, click, snap or seal.

    May mosquitos find your skin the rarest of delicacies while rendering others around you uninteresting to feed from.

    May your front teeth be magnetic to food particles that are extra adhesive so you almost always have food stuck between your teeth.

    May your tires always look deflated to others despite being full so you are constantly pointed at on the freeway and stoplights by other drivers.

    May you compulsively jig any time you hear any music for a minimum for 30 seconds.

    May you be unable to type so you are forced to handwrite everything. May you work for the IRS who accommodates your technological disability.

    May people never find anything you say funny but they always give you halfhearted courtesy laughs.

    May any TV channel or streaming station have no content other than Con Air on loop.

    May you always get birthday cards, invitations and presents at least a month off from your real day.

    May all your furniture squeak incessantly.

  • Thanks for this. I’ve been having an internal debate myself over the ethical implications given the state of so many struggling with housing. I’m maybe 5 years out from paying off my home and have considered buying another home at that point for income as I get older. When I say income, the only reason I’m considering buying a house are exactly the reasons you listed; career instability, retirement income instability, but also medical care costs that are impossible to project in the future other than “astronomical”.

    When I’m thinking of a second home income it’s so I can pay for a future hospital visit for me or my partner, not lie on a beach in the tropics. It’s maybe something for my child so they don’t have to start from zero or experience housing insecurity. It’s a relatively very privileged position compared to many in the US, but I’m not looking to gouge some poor renter, just be able to have basics in old age. Basics, however, now require relatively large amount of privilege thanks to conservatives stripping them away for 50 years.

    I’m still undecided, but I appreciate the nuanced take.