It clearly says 1
It clearly says 1
Can I interest you with some witness protection instead?
If you’re unsure, write a draft that gets all the basic ideas while still fresh on your mind. Then look at a past example to give you some ideas of what the maintainers would expect.
Found the YAML guy.
This is not an examplary behavior for an admin.
Use code formatting, perhaps?
“I went to the third, even more secret Burning Man where a man immolate himself and we sat around him.”
That link is broken…
No, but they’ll be doing less damage than when they first came.
Social distancing, and a lot of other covid-related stuff
Anything can be a square hole if you’re brave enough.
I think adults should do what they think is right.
First time?
They’ve been like that since the dawn of piracy.
This is me, as long as you replace the Powerbook with a Thinkpad T420.
On the other side: point-release distro, LTS kernel, also very good KDE support, practically unbreakable?
Debian to the rescue.
This one won’t lead to Arch.
Should’ve based it on the New Testament.
Already is, just that nobody enforce this.
Yum! Bet they still got some marrow in them.