who came third?
who came third?
watch the video on the rules for rulers by the youtube channel cgpgrey for one explanation.
this fairly informative response has downvotes, ironically.
downvoting something only because you disagree with its contents is a sign of immaturity. it screams, “i personally don’t like this viewpoint so i’ll do everything in my power to suppress it from everyone else.”.
the mature response would be to leave the voting buttons alone and provide instead a measured response of the reasons for your disagreement.
the story to fixate upon there is how the cia located bin laden in the first place – by having agents pose as international aid workers dispensing the polio vaccine in pakistan.
this one act has led to a distrust in aid workers in that country and the flourishing of polio. countless innocent lives ruined, but i’m sure uncle sam considers those as adequate compensation against killing one man who had sequestered hinself away with his goats and his porn.
we should care less about how that one man was buried then and more about how the polio-ridden corpses of children are treated today.
burial and cremation, as practices, should be be dispensed with altogether.
i want my eventual corpse to be donated to a green burial.
good erection discipline, though – what with the option to “pop out” being greyed out.
be like the tree; let the dead leaves drop.
it was smaller than Lemmy is now when I first started using it.
so now we know whom to blame for its enshittification
if this were to be true to form, batman would be dangling upside down from the ceiling.
and the next morning, after exchanging fluids intra-species, the two of them would embirth a whole new coronavirus.
oh, so when they say she has a face that launched a thousand ships, they were all just that one boat with a thousand makeovers?!
wait till you hear about white and black boards.
employees of companies with whom you’ve registered that email id sell it for some quick cash on the side.
i can aver this confidently since i know someone from dominos pizza has leaked my email id. i have a convoluted gmail id which i use to register to all these services and – because it’s gmail – i can set up random dots and a custom phrase behind a + to register specific variants to specific companies (e.g., abcxyz123@gmail vs. ab.c.xyz123+dominos@gmail).
all the spam and pseudo-phishing email is sent only to the variant which i’ve registered to dominos and not to a different variant (e.g., a.bcxyz123+bankname@gmail) registered to any other company.
the leaked email id doesn’t contain a name and is too random for it to just be “guessed” by the spammers.
we need a comeback of the bumper sticker, “i don’t need an suv, my dick is big enough.”
while the queen escapes punishment for emplooying child labour?
the ones i play most often are Forkyz and Simon Tatham’s Puzzles.
you would have received more relevant responses if you had titled your post as, “there is absolutely no evidence that musk is against free speech. what are you folks on about, anyway?”
thos video breaks maths. parallel strokes leading to a purr-pendicular outcome?
it’s the photographer that’s upside down. that’s obviously a prime example of an Atlas cat.
read “the tightrope men” by desmond bagley. it’s a novel set in finland that uses exactly this premise.