If you turn your entire house on its side and hang the TV from the ceiling then you could lay your bike down in the living room and achieve the same optical effect.
If you turn your entire house on its side and hang the TV from the ceiling then you could lay your bike down in the living room and achieve the same optical effect.
Kegs aren’t even hard to get. If he really wants that keg he can just call the nearest distributor and they’ll be happy to hook him up. They might even deliver it.
If it’s anything like my brothers family they’ll be the first ones in line for food and the first ones to leave too.
But, a meme, and not redneck at all.
Additionally guillotines were seen as a more humane method of execution than the hangings and manual beheading of pre-Enlightenment France.
I tell people as often as I can, especially my trans and bipoc friends; now is the time. Get a couple guns (a long one and a short one) and learn how to use them. Learn some basic first aid, you really just need to know how to stabilize someone. Start networking with like-minded people in your communities. The police will not protect us, they’ve proven they’ll happily club senior citizens to the ground and shoot any protesters in the face with rubber bullets while escorting a rightwing murderer to safety.
Iran was a secular, liberal state until almost 1980 when they (mostly legitimately) elected an Islamist theocracy; it could happen here.
Yeah that’s called “prejudice” and isnt a good quality.
Swap “southern” for “black” or “gay” and see if you’d be proud to make that same claim.
Fucking lol at hateful idiots stereotyping an entire geographic area. I’m sure in their minds it’s completely different than stereotyping people because of their race/creed/gender/whatever.
I didn’t say the kid suffered?
It’s a shitty spot for bio-dad to be in. Kid may see it for what it is and may not. If I were the dad I simply wouldn’t put myself in that sitatution. They can go enjoy their vacation and I’d spend the time with my son after.
Why did you assume I was talking about the dad?
You know a whole lot of parents don’t love their kids and don’t want to spend time with them, right?
I’d absolutely assume mom & new dad would have several romantic dinners and activites alone while bio-dad entertained his kid.
edit; oh I see someone grew up in a loving household and assumes they’re all like that
swallowing our pride to focus more on getting results than being right
So in other words it’s not going to happen.
I haven’t run into that particular issue (I wish I could replace some old ones) but we stream back to a Linux box and then out to cloud storage for archival purposes so maybe we aren’t hitting the onboard stuff as hard.
edit: the primary reason we deal with axis is because they’re extremely configurable/fixable remotely
Axis makes good (the best) IP cams, I use them commercially, they’re pretty much the gold standard. Super fucking expensive though so probably not worth it for home use but you might be able to pick up something 2nd hand.
Yep, if it contributes to the discussion (even if you don’t agree) you up vote. If it contributes nothing or derails the discussion, down vote.
Yeah I’m familiar with the reddit argument I just think it’s half the story. It was written by a husband and wife but you clearly have an axe to grind so go off king.
Have a nice night.
Because in the context of the song, she’s saying she wants to stay. I’ve never seen the movie you’re talking about so maybe it was played differently there but when the song was released it was obviously a duet between two people who wanted to “do stuff” but were unable to due to norms and societies judgement.
Why are you so insistent on portraying the woman as a victim and the man as rapist when that’s clearly not what was intended?
When people consume media it’s important to have context. Short-sighted inability to contextualize anything outside of our current standards doesn’t help anyone at all and actually makes understanding and moving forward more difficult.
If you’re saying the standards of the time make it acceptable, I say that reflects really badly on the standards of the time. By the standards of the time, black people had fewer rights than white men. I hope to fuck we can improve upon the standards of the 1940s.
The standards were quite different that’s for sure. That’s why it’s important to understand that it was a different era. An unmarried woman willingly staying with a man was destroying her reputation at that time even if she wanted to.
It’s fun when people reveal they don’t know how actual education and science works. They must think we just reinvent the wheel every time a kid decides to be a doctor or something.