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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I had an entire LIFETIME in ONE night. Dream was super realistic, but it was all anime waifus. From earliest childhood memory till old age and that final darkness basically that last moment woke me up with a start. I never imagined that an entire lifetime in one night dream.

    I don’t think I ever had such an experience ever again. It was just one time. Never to happen again so far.

  • In ten years time,

    1. Locally-sourced technology innovations.

    2. 3D-Printers in every village. ( Prints shirts, shoes, pants, socks, replacement parts )

    3. Plant-based Plastics ( seaweed and hemp/copra/palm )

    4. Total breakdown of Petro-chemicals ( Saudi, Iran, Indonesia, OPEC, Russia ) no more Petro-Global-economy

    5. CNG/LNG from Biomass and big farming takeover.

    6. Solar/Wind/Tidal Electricity generation technology maturations.

    7. Massive Trades-based Education and less PhD based international studies.

    8. Rapid Rebuild from MAJOR Disasters ( flooding, fires, tsunami, earthquake, volcano, hurricane, tornado, Cat-6 storms , etc )

    9. Any country heavily dependent on Import/Export with zero local production/productivity will go back to the StoneAge ( tough reality for small countries / city-states )

    10. Massive World-Wars everywhere. Massive Militarization ZERO Democracies surviving including USofA.

  • Farting does expel some amount of body heat.

    Im sure long-distance runners might relieve themselves without stopping, as it cools them down while also a release and embarrassment which might spur their brain into flight response.

    I doubt if the heat loss is significant but when actively working out or doing intense work the mind might get tricked into thinking that it benefitted.

    Anecdotally when running a fever it does feel better emptying out. So not sure if physiological or psychological effect.