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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 17th, 2023


  • Once you’re at this level, you’re looking to get improvements of a fraction of a percentage. I don’t know the specifics cause I’m not a pro shooter despite being American, but from other high level skill people I know, you hit a point where improvements basically plateau and you have to resort to increasingly niche products to obtain non skill improvements. If you want proof of that, check out calligraphy and fountain pen communities. The amount of money some people spend on things I didn’t know existed is wild.

    (No bad judgement to those folks, I’ve gotten hard into map making and 3d printing lately, so I’m right behind you)

  • The “quarantine them” bit is a bit extreme there, bud. That’s some straight up fascist shit, I don’t care what kind side you’re on.

    Feel free to criticize and throw milkshakes and other things that might get my banned here for saying, but that’s actually fucked. Just because conservatives are willing to do it doesn’t mean leftists should be willing. In the end they’re still living breathing humans, even if I wished many of them weren’t, and that’s the main thing that separates leftists from conservatives, a belief in inherent humanity.

    And we absolutely should seek understanding. Not sympathizing, mind you, but definitely an understanding. GI Joe was right when they said “Knowing is half the battle.”

  • Maybe a forced pop-up whenever you submit content. I know people are gonna hate it, but putting the option right in front of their face makes them far more aware of it.

    If you wanted to make it optional, you could allow users to filter untagged posts. I think that with a combo of the popup could work to make it a thing people actually used.

    Basically what were discussing is a less crap version of reddit tags, hashtags, forum tags, etc. The big problem with those, especially on reddit, is getting people to use them and use them properly. Every sub handled them differently (hell, on the 2 subs I modded, both used them differently and I ran both of them). Some subs let users apply, some were mods only, some were bots, etc. The other problem is getting people to use them properly. Hashtags aren’t a bad system, but easily abused (look at Tumblr tags. They’re essentially useless half the time).

    Maybe community assigned tags could work. Have the poster tag from the start, then allow users to report if it should have a different level. It seems like a good idea, but I’d want to have something like a trust score behind it to filter errant reports and trolls, which I don’t think is currently something lemmy supports, but idk.

    Anyways, just throwing out ideas