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Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Good question with a pretty ambiguous answer for anyone that’d try to answer.

    For me it’s a combination of skill, intention, and impact. Like a shaky handed sharpie tag on a bus stop isn’t much of anything, but when it says, “kill your local heroin dealer” that’s impactful. The shaky lines start to show the styling they had intended but can’t capture anymore. I’d call that art even though it was painted over a week later.

  • I took your last comment as a dismissal of an entire art movement for being pretentious, ironically sounds pretty pretentious, so I made a goof of it.

    Knowing you’re railing against art dealers and collectors in general, I get your point and share the sentiment to an extent. Personally, I think placing high value on arts preserves them longer than they could be otherwise. The global museum tours make them more accessible and raise funds for art programs while doing so. Sure there’s a lot of bad actors in any field but I don’t think the art trade is necessarily a net negative for society.

  • It sounds like you’re suggesting self compassion is a lack of self-accountability, but they aren’t the same. So your premise is flawed.

    People care because it comes naturally to us, people that can’t or don’t have personality disorders and that’s a different burden to live with. Even they don’t deserve to be trapped in depression and self hatred and nobody ever got better by hurting themselves.

    Apathy sucks. It’s lazy, boring, not as cool as your nihilistic antiheroes have led you to believe, and is just a bummer to be around.

    I don’t want to keep enaging with your negatively, but sincerely hope you’re doing okay and finding healthy happiness in your life.

  • I get you’re joking, but just in case there’s any earnestness there and you’ve been hurting your own feelings lately. I’d like you to know that acknowledging self loathing is honest introspection and a good first step, the self loathing itself is more like self harm and generally dishonest. If there is any honesty in it, try and practice more self compassion.

    Shit’s tough out here, you matter and people care about you. Keep going friend :)

  • I was being a little tongue in cheek because you were having a laugh about what you think of that art movement.

    Postmodern art is better enjoyed with context. A urinal signed and put on a pedestal doesn’t mean or look like much of anything, but it’s more impactful when you understand the intention behind it –Duchamp and his fountain are worth reading about even though he pre dates the movement so it’s a little beside the point but he’s kinda the grandfather of the movement, so whatever he’s cool.

    Classifying something as postmodern art isn’t about a shared aesthetic like renaissance, cubism, or pop art. It’s focus is typically less about the craft and more about the message. A lot of the time it’s mocking the status quo or the art world in general, other times it’s making a challenging statement in a challenging way.

    “Comedian” or the banana taped to canvas seems like an artist phoning it in because their name has the value not the art anymore. Maybe it is just being silly and that’s all there was to it from conception to execution. On the other hand they worked on that for months, obessing over the type of tape and placement, chose the banana because it is iconic while also high risk to be wiped out from climate change and unveiled it in a studio in Miami.

    If it’s only the former and this is a meaningless money laundering scheme like you suggested (most people laundering money don’t want global attention for only $150k). Even if that’s the case, we’re still talking about it 5 years later. So the purpose if art is fundamentally creating something greater than the sum of it’s parts then they fucking nailed it.