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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I had a friend do this. It was utter misery for over a year. Most of his teeth were shattered, so he had to wait for a lot of fragments to expel naturally.

    Do not discount pain management that involves opioids. Not saying to use them for weeks nor do I know your personality for bad habits, but if it gets bad please don’t suffer for no reason. Getting ibuprofen or acetaminophen with low dose codine may be a good middle ground and is even available over the counter in some countries. Extended pain is mentally exhausting and isn’t worth the hit on your mental health.

    f you are struggling taking pills, get liquid ibuprofen. Sometimes you can get a chemist to make a suspension for you, otherwise get childrens. I do that if my throat gets too infected and I am unable to swallow. Honestly, it works far better than the pills and I needed a lot less.

    Best thing is to be honest with your doctors, even if you do not want anything stronger. Be sure to communicate any discomfort due to ill fitting dentures. Ask questions if anything unexpected comes up. My friend’s doctor was super shitty and didn’t even tell him about all of the left over fragments that still had to come out on their own.

  • Since I refuse to have Teams and Outlook start on boot, I may have accidentally forgotten to open my email for 6 weeks… Most people just send me a message on Teams anyways.

    Also, spam from HR. I am sorry, but your bullshit emails on senseless activities is not being read and immediately binned. The amount of spam emails I get from people in the company is astounding. At my old job I may have taken great joy in reporting each one of them as spam out of spite.

  • That was the best day ever when it went down a few years ago while I was doing an install of an Amazon site. They have some “test” software that we have to run to validate the system and it was completely down. Still got some things done that day, but it was utterly hilarious to watch all of the Amazon personnel run around in a panic for a few hours. Fucking Prime trucks stuck on the side of the road with no instructions on what to do next. Utterly precious.

  • Based on some of your other comments, it would be interesting if you logged your blood pressure and pulse throughout the day. Once in the morning, before/after meals, evening, and whatever times seem like they may be relevant.

    I got a simple automatic cuff type from the grocery store. They make some that can do it on your wrist too, which is a little easier to carry around. Mine has a history function. Smart watches/trackers can monitor your pulse more often.

    Check your blood work. I get all the details in MyChart (Epic) and can even compare from previous results. If there isn’t an app, get your records and input it manually in a spreadsheet or other app that hopefully doesn’t harvest your data. If they are not doing regular blood work a couple times a year, they are doing you a disservice.

    How is your sleep? You may not be sleeping as well as you think. This is priority 1. Wash your sheets. Clean sheets are awesome.

    You could be depressed or have an undiagnosed mental illness. This is ok, but you have to talk to someone. It is hard as hell to make that phone call, but your mental health is worth it. Your mental health is worth everything. I did not check if you were female, but note that birth control can cause this shit. Hormones suck.

    I think you said you were in pain or discomfort? If you are, take notes on the type of pain, where, how often, duration and anything you were doing. By the time I get to the doctor, I often can’t visualize or remember the exact sensation. You could easily have something in your environment bothering you, a food allergy, gall bladder issues, thyroid, or a whole host of random shit. Switch to fragrance free laundry detergent. Maybe cut out caffeine. Just be sure to only change one thing at a time.

    Don’t let doctors gaslight you or downplay your issues. Advocate for yourself and take notes. You can even have a friend go with you to the doctor if you have a lot of anxiety. They can take notes for you and potentially give insights and ask questions you may not think of.