Someone got kicked off the gnome team lol
Someone got kicked off the gnome team lol
The American way.
What the town should do is just require that all buildings have murals without branding. That town would be cool.
One could argue that sunburst pattern reflects the branding.
I think the town needs to stfu.
But, that sign could use more donuts.
If you get kids to make it free, it’s art haha.
Corporations everywhere start drooling, fire artists, start day cares for new signage.
It’s totally signage, but Jesus fucking Christ that town needs to calm down.
He totally helped some old lady with her groceries on the way to liberate humanity.
That’s a very good metric I think. It is impossible to be a billionaire and not be a terrible person.
Dang, he has style and money.
Good guy being nice to coffee shop workers. Smiling and saying thank you. Removing problems from the world. A true American Hero.
Tax them. Kill them. Whatever order
That is uplifting. You go bees!
Fuck humanity.
Because corporations will sweep in and take all the business by taking a loss just long enough to put the others out of business.