Young humanoid in the UK. Proudly LGBT. Slava Ukraini! | they/them

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  • 18 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 28th, 2024


  • I’ve been referred for diagnosis, but I haven’t had any official diagnosis as of yet. However, all signs point towards yes.

    Symptoms and stuff
    • Sensory issues, mainly related to touch, which go back to when I was about 4.
    • Infodumping about niche and obsessive interests.
    • Relating to other autistic people.
    • Other autistic people assuming I am autistic from my behaviour.
    • Brilliant memory for things that interest me; crap memory for everything else
    • I am strangely lucid when drunk, although I have difficulty with coordination and memory.
    • Face-blindness (in some cases).
    • I suffer from depression.
    • I am not the worst at picking up social cues and identifying sarcasm, but only if it is done in the sarcastic voice, in context, or with a tone indicator/explanation.
    • I tend not to “get” unspoken rules.
    • I often require explicit instructions to know what to do.
    • I am LGBTQ+ (see my, which is positively correlated with autism. [Source]
    • My Dad, Uncle, and Grandad are almost certainly autistic, and I see symptoms in my brother.
    • My cousin is autistic.
    • I was proficient in my speech and writing from a young age, and it took me about a year to “get” what school was about after I joined. I used to devour books, until the first round of exams took away my time and I started spending more time on the internet.

    On top of that, the online tests I’ve been sent all come back more-or-less positive.