Food Wishes with Chef John. Very fun, laid back, and dare I even say informative if you’re into cooking.
Food Wishes with Chef John. Very fun, laid back, and dare I even say informative if you’re into cooking.
Sure, they’re allowed to, and we’re allowed to comment that it’s weird when he brings it up unprompted. Which it is. So much so that I wonder if this is just bait that we all fell for.
Yeah, language can be very fun. That’s why I’m saying those terms are fun novelties, like a Lemmy username, not really useful in any practical sense.
Those aren’t the ones I’m talking about. Flocks, herds, and schools apply to many different kinds of birds, land animals, and fish, respectively. Why would anyone need to use the word “murder” instead of “flock” for crows? A cackle of hyenas? A conspiracy of lemurs? Let’s be serious here. What’s wrong with saying a group of lemurs?
Does anybody actually use these goofy terms for groups of animals? Seems like they mostly exist as a novelty.
Some catty wampas, likely.
I always feel so reassured when you get to that one tricky step and Chef John says “But if you didn’t, that’s ok! It’s still gonna taste really, really good!”