Yeah tough to find someone who likes anime…
Yeah tough to find someone who likes anime…
Jellyfish can’t swim at night
These little USB light bulb things… They were like a nickel each and I use them with my power banks and when I just need a light
Why? At least that one can heal itself.
Well Al Gore invented the internet so the internet is more a.USA thing 🤣🤣
High medical bills
It is the ultimate evolution of hours character on future worm
I wish they’d get people to verify transit schedules literally the only reason Google maps finds itself on my phone
When a co-worker just endlessly stalks you after staring, and being weird and creepy. I had no mutual friends and she kept showing up as someone I might know.
When does the Rural Jourer come out?
Few more I can offer up are Freejack Tank Girl Don’t be a menace
Sure as long as you bully him into implementing socialized medicine
I think an incredibles series would be awesome to give a story more breathing room. The monsters Inc series has been great. The last toy story should have been a series of shorts.
I guess they’ll have to get a shipping container office
Learned this from Whoopi Goldberg movie
I used a laptop backpack, and I was all stressed out about it fitting for nothing
I have driven an old Nissan leaf for 5 years as a commuter, and I love it I don’t pay for gas or maintenance the electrons are free, and the insurance is cheap. I’m waiting on some more robust options so I can have an EV as my main car.