1 month ago1984 is not about mass surveillance. It’s about lowering the langage and culture so that you don’t even have word to criticize the system.
1984 is not about mass surveillance. It’s about lowering the langage and culture so that you don’t even have word to criticize the system.
I’m really pissed of this “I’m sad 'cause I’m poor. So if I had money I would be happy.”
(Poverty imply sadness) does not imply (wealth imply hapiness). That’s basic formal logic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contraposition The Contraposition is (not sadness imply not poverty). So, If you are happy, you have money.
Expressed differently, if all the poor are sad, we can state that a happy person is not poor. But we cannot state anything about a rich person being happy or not.