• 2 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2024


  • I going about the shelter thing, a few years ago they did a study and there was not a single shelter for men in the country.

    And I get it, it’s important to take care of women, sure, but when somebody tried to start a support shelter for men there was a massive public outcry about it.


    And even if you had the time and inclination to for instance start a men’s only gym, why would you risk all of that time and effort on the odd chance that you would offend a person who has a following and knows how to raise a Battle cry and next thing you know you’ve got a hundred angry protesters outside of your gym even though there are five female only gyms within walking distance because you have a men’s only gym.

    It’s much easier to create a space that’s just slightly uninviting for the average woman and then let the chips fall where they may.

    It’s easier to pass the buck and say somebody else will take care of the guys. We don’t need to build men’s only shelters. Guys are more resilient than women. Guys aren’t as at risk as women are. Guys are shitty people in general and life gives them so many breaks, they don’t need any additional support while there are still women who have needs.

    Let’s not start a men’s only club because all it takes is one woman getting upset and suing us for discrimination and next thing we know we are out $250,000 in lawyer fees all because we wanted to have a boys space.

    Let’s just let all of the men suffer in silence forever and ever. They’ll be okay they’ll just rub some dirt in it and move on.

    I’m a little salty. But I can cope. But I still feel emboldened to express that I dislike the inequality and I wish things were a little better.

  • I would say the most polarizing thing I’ve ever said at least in an online community is that there should be spaces specifically for men to congregate where they can talk about their issues among like-minded men.

    This was in response to me discovering that of the eight gyms within a 10 mile radius of my home, three of them are all gender gyms and five of them are women’s only gyms.

    Of the associations in my area, places where people of like-minded orientation congregate, 4 of them are all gender, 12 of them are female only.

    There are no male only semi-private spaces that I can find within a 25 mile radius of my home and I live in a city of over 500,000 people.

    Of the multitude of homeless housing, homelessness support, soup kitchen, and other resources for the incredibly poor and disaffected, roughly half of them are explicitly female only, and all of the remainder are all gender with a preference for supporting women.

    To me this is especially terrifying because of the homeless population that I have encountered only a vanishingly small fraction of them are women. The great majority by and far of the maybe 40 or 60 homeless people I have seen in the last year have been male.

    If it is okay for women to have women only spaces why is it not okay for men to have men only spaces?

    If it is okay for women to receive women only support, why is it not okay for men to receive men only support?

  • Mead said that the first sign of civilization in an ancient culture was a femur (thighbone) that had been broken and then healed. Mead explained that in the animal kingdom, if you break your leg, you die. You cannot run from danger, get to the river for a drink or hunt for food. You are meat for prowling beasts. No animal survives a broken leg long enough for the bone to heal.

    I get that you are saying that after a person becomes a financial burden on the population that we should get rid of them and save the resources, but that’s very short thinking and it’s a very selfish stance and I get why you’re sharing it now because the question was what’s the most polarizing thing you’ve said and my response is very polarized because I feel like you and anybody who agrees with you should be excommunicated from society and put onto a small island somewhere where we never have to deal with them ever again.

  • The house I grew up in.

    I’ve told this story before but the house was built in like 1976. A freak tornado came down and tore it down when it was 3/4 completed. The builders got the insurance and built it again and when they finished it it caught fire and burned to the ground.

    The builders got the insurance and built it again and another tornado came through and destroyed it a week before it was supposed to be completed.

    In pythonian fashion the fourth time it stayed up, but one night I was down in the basement doing laundry on a dark and stormy night and I saw a movement to my right. A man in a full trench coat and wide brimmed hat was standing next to the water heater. I screamed as any preteen boy would and the man walked around the water heater and dis a fucking peared.

    I ran upstairs screaming there’s a man in the basement there’s a man in the basement and everyone came down to look and there was no man in the basement. The doors were bolted locked from the inside.

    A few years later my mom built a room into the basement and turned it into an extra bedroom. My sister woke up one night with a woman clad in all white with long black hair holding her feet down and crying and crying and crying.

    She screamed and the woman disappeared.

    My mom still lives in that house and will probably die there. That house is fucking haunted and was haunted before it was ever built.

    I’ve told this story before and my friends have said maybe it was built on an ancient Indian ground or something and to me that is hilarious because I am native American so why the fuck would they bother me?

  • I tried navidrome but the issue I ran into is that it would not play individual songs or sort through them, it would just play my albums in alphabetical order.

    And I don’t know as far as jelly fin goes, I like it as a video platform but for music I couldn’t get it to just randomly display the songs and let me shuffle through them.

    I’m looking for a music server that can see all of my songs and music and shuffle them and play them. Does anything like that exist?