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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 10th, 2024

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldHe must be stopped!
    6 days ago

    containing loli

    It wasn’t containing loli, it had generic hentai and some horse stuff. I was there and saw it, about 1000 hate-watchers immediately screamed “LOLI” and it stuck.

    I think to be fair the artist was a known artist who had done loli and there was a character who was underage in some show but didn’t look more or less underage than ALL hentai, but people don’t necessarily save porn based on what other works the artist has made or what the storylines say. It was a pretty desperate accusation, people REALLY need to hate people who have different opinions.

  • My partner’s family from Philippines grew up in a home without appliances like refrigerators, like many, many people in developing countries.

    So while now they have every modern convenience, old habits die hard and stomachs seem to adapt to even the most adverse conditions of foodstuffs.

    Not mine. I love their cooking but can only eat food that I’ve seen opened or cooked in front of me. They will legitimately leave meat dishes out on the table for two days or more and then simply “reheat” and consider it good to serve. The cabinets are full of things like mayo, cheese dips, opened gravies and open bottles of fruit juice.

    I have had some of the very worst food poisoning in my life from inadvertently eating something there like chicken salad that I thought was fresh, but made with hard-boiled eggs that had been sitting on a counter in summer heat for several days that a “friend” brought over so they “wouldn’t waste.”

    Of course I’m the only one that gets sick, so I’m the “special one” that everyone now thinks has some terminal illness and treats me like a hospice patient.

  • I am happy to have raised the bar a little for online science discussion, it’s very tempting and easy to rip someone’s throat out if you don’t understand what they’re trying to communicate, and sadly I think that weird dopamine hit of attacking a stranger has become a worldwide addiction reaching pandemic proportions. But we’re really shooting all ourselves in the foot by making a world where we can’t talk to strangers. People stay strangers that way and strangers are less inclined to help each other, and in the coming decades… we will really, really need each other.

    That all said, I am passionate about science with decades of study, and lately, specifically, geology and climate… I highly recommend some youtube channels like https://www.youtube.com/@HistoryoftheEarth or https://www.youtube.com/@myroncook for some starting points that are accessible and fascinating looks at the long, intense, unimaginable history of our planet, or another way of looking at it, the story of how rocks became something that can question where they came from.

  • My only real claim is that we don’t know shit.

    This is partially true. But I want to stress partially.

    We do have very robust models of climate, of exchange cycles, of how chemicals and atmospheres and heat and cold and life all interplay, if we didn’t have these models we wouldn’t be aware of the impending danger and we would be saying “wow this hot spell sure is lasting” so let’s give science some credit here.

    And that’s MY only position and reason for pushback. There STILL can be things done to avert the worst-case models, it’s going to be bad but it could also be a lot worse if no action is taken, and more likely than not, our species is going to slide through this one like Indiana Jones grabbing his hat behind the lowering stone block, but it’s not going to be without a lot of suffering and sorrow and loss of life.

    But if this science denial/doubting continues, we might not gain enough traction and momentum in our education and outreach efforts to ensure actions are taken to reduce the amount of harm coming. The harm coming is going to be worse than anything we have imagined in Humanity’s long history, but we CAN get through it, we may even fix it if enough people can start working together. Maybe a few more degrees and people’s discomfort will finally drive our species to avert course at the last second like we tend to do a lot.

    But science denial has been an agent of chaos that has put us here to begin with. I don’t like using science to predict the near future and then abandoning it when we need to make educated speculation on what can and cannot happen. If you truly believe that this trend is going to lead to iron boiling on Earth’s surface, that’s fine and you can believe that and it’s not a hill worth a fight much less a death, I’m just telling you that’s not what’s going to happen. Life will survive us.

    The “exponential” heating curve you’re seeing on the graphs is a measurement of rates of change, NOT a measurement of maximum possible heat indexes or a prediction of long-term climate models, because Earth’s climate is complicated, it tends to change itself over long periods of time.

    The most extreme instance we can see in the fossil/geological record was the Permian Extinction, where Earth lost 96% of all life, this was due to the Earth basically disemboweling itself across what’s now Russia and Siberia. This was a lake of fire that covered a sizable portion of Earth and gases and ash that plunged the Earth into a runaway greenhouse with deadly acid oceans and then eventually back to frozen snowball as the greenhouse gases began to stabilize (most greenhouse gases don’t have geologically long lifespans unless some process is replenishing them like Venus’s volcanic activity, even Carbon will eventually react or bond with things and over vast stretches of time be pulled back into the Earth from a variety of biological and abiotic processes.)

    It’s also speculated that life was already thriving while Earth was undergoing the Late Heavy Bombardment, a period of around a billion years where Earth was just getting pummeled by everything from space debris to small planetoids, this was the period of time that saw the formation of the landscape of the Moon, and Earth didn’t look too different, with seas of molten lava and craters everywhere.

    While sure it’s possible for a runaway greenhouse to create sterilizing conditions, there is just no scenario where we can see that as an outcome from human activity based on what we know.

    And speculation does have its limits, we’re just all trying to be smart here and show we understand those limits. Just because there are gaps in our knowledge, we don’t need to summon Russel’s Teapot.

  • Well, you are correct that Earth’s nuclear weapons are literally a poofing fart compared to the energy we could potentially get from the sun, and we do have precedent for the sun creating extremely hostile conditions due to greenhouse gasses in one of our nearest neighbors, Venus.

    But we need to examine what we’re talking about here specifically. I am not a geophysicist so I don’t have the numbers, but in order for your “concern” to have teeth you would need to show that there’s anything we can do here and no or even in the next thousand years that could change the nature of Earth’s atmosphere enough to replicate the kinds of conditions that created Venus’s current conditions.

    And not only that, you need to compare what we could possibly do, even intentionally, that would come remotely close to some of the other greenhouse heating events that we’ve experienced in the past, and we’ve had some real doozies. We’ve had Earth heat up to scorching conditions from the planet turning inside-out several times, we’ve had Earth become a giant ice-ball. We’ve had impacts in the distant past that make the Chicxulub impactor look like a bottle-rocket misfire. And still, Earth regained equilibrium enough to support life. Over the last 4.5 billion years or so it doesn’t appear we’ve experienced anything that turned Earth’s surface and subsurface hostile to all forms of life, so it’s pretty safe to say that unless we start deliberately steering planetoids into our crust, which isn’t out of the question knowing our warlike ways, we’re probably not going to unintentionally create Venus-like conditions on Earth.

    And of course we have to address the fact that we’re not even sure if Venus is sterile, there are increasing signs of bacterial life in the atmosphere so it’s quite possible that once life gets a foothold it may be incredibly hard to dislodge.

    This isn’t an argument against the serious threat that we pose to the ecosystem, or to say that we’re not in extreme danger of ruining the current biosphere of the planet, we are in fact in the middle of a human-made mass-extinction. It’s not good. Our worst-case scenario sees a planet completely devoid of ice, no clouds, an atmosphere that consists of a hot haze that heat can’t escape from for thousands of years and an ecosystem collapse killing off most land animals. But it won’t be the end of life. Just another setback.

    This is important to make clear because truth is important, speculation is not helpful when it points out unlikely extremes, it gives ammunition to deniers when you proclaim factually improbable extremes. Things are absolutely going to get bad, but there’s no reason at all to hype it to an extreme or you shoot yourself and your cause in the face.

  • We cannot claim that our damage to this planet will reverse before that limit is reached. It might, but we have no basis to say it will.

    I just got to this part and that’s a resounding no, even if we dedicated all our resources to it, we couldn’t literally sterilize Earth. I can’t even think of a cosmological event in the next million years that would have this effect.

    Earth will be just fine. We will likely be gone by then, but there will be life and it will do just fine. You are seriously lacking knowledge and sense of scale of Earth and the ecosystem and life on a broad scale. Go back to start and try again.

  • Eh, a million years is a blink in geological history, we have no record in the long, long, long stretch of time before us of earth no longer being able to sustain life, as evident by our being here typing comments on the internet, so it would be WILDLY surprising if this all came to an end right now. (The next million years is “right now” in geological time.)

    In about 70 million years we might be ready to talk issues with the carbon cycle, but for the next geological “hour” we’ll likely be facing the same issues as always. Short of a nearby supernova or other event that will cook Earth below the crust, or a collision with a small planetoid, I can’t think of anything that will sterilize Earth anytime soon.

  • The best story I ever heard about this was a single dad who had to take his teenage daughter to the doctor because she got an infection from inserting a toothbrush handle or something else that wasn’t sanitary, and instead of giving her ANY kind of scolding or negative judgement, he was very loving and helped her laugh it off, and then he just left on her pillow a $100 gift card to Adam & Eve or some other large, commercial, adult site that lets you buy gift cards.

    I don’t think it’s appropriate to even suggest an age here, but I think as a parent you will know when it’s time to have the talk/leave the card.

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldLinkedIn
    2 months ago

    I am almost appreciative that Linkedin just overtly embraces the synthetic and manufactured cultural dance we do in business, like nobody expects anyone to do anything but show their most pretentious and carefully cultivated images. You don’t log into Linkedin expecting to see a video of Uncle Jim ranting from the front seat of his truck about immigrants, and that’s almost beautiful.

    It brings me back to an age when people actually tried to conform just a little for the sake of social progress, people kept their shit to themselves and worked to be part of a system. It was as close as we ever were to being even remotely socially conscious.

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldOn a plate
    2 months ago

    I wish we could make a population with even the basic reading comprehension to understand these facts and then people might start taking advantage of our most powerful tool, democratic voting, to make real changes to how wealth is distributed.

    But to this day when you suggest such a thing, people will default to images in their mind of everyone being forced to wear grey jumpsuits and stand in line for hours for a potato. We have the technological and productive means now to socialize many elements of our lives that would give everyone access to more resources and benefits and lower poverty and needless suffering, which helps everyone, even those already privileged.

    But the capitalist narrative will push back on these ideas to its last, dying gasp, even as the world starts to burn and people lose everything, we will still see people arguing for “job creators” and how the wealthy are responsible for all our comforts, and that the socialist alternative will mean people will never own anything… as capitalism takes people’s ownership of everything.

  • if you have to wipe with toilet paper anyway, doesn’t that defeat the purpose of having a bidet?

    The purpose of a bidet isn’t necessarily to make toilet paper unnecessary, it’s to clean properly. Before getting a bidet I would just step into the shower and use the removable shower head to wash my ass with a little soap and warm water, towel off after, bam super clean. I still do that, but now the bidet can save a step if I’m in a hurry.

    Basically, try this experiment. (Quoted from some comedian) Smear some poop on the back of your hand. Then wipe it with dry paper and nothing else. Do you feel clean? Ready to go through the day? Of course not! You want to actually wash that off, and that’s the pleasant feeling from using a stream of water to feel thoroughly clean, not just removing residue but getting up in there into the outer wrinkles of the butthole, reduces the chance of getting the itchies later.

    (This is particularly of consequence if there is ANY chance whatsoever of ending up naked with another person. You might not notice it, but other people would get hit with a musk the moment your underwear drops, and not the nice kind.)

  • Why are people so confounded by these things? Have y’all never used water to bathe before?

    I feel like some people were never given actual hygiene instructions from their parents growing up. I can only imagine the way some people are so hung up on genitals and waste products that they can’t even think about it, those kinds of people going on to have kids… do we really think they’re going to pass on useful information on self-care?

    And it’s not like there’s tons of social messaging and helpful guides all over the place on proper bathroom habits, it’s purely a passed-down skillset.

    Every time this comes up on reddit, there are a lot of people sharing stories about knowing men who literally don’t wipe their own ass or touch it while showering and just constantly walk around with shit all over their ass. I used to think it was a meme, but then met people in real life who also had encounters with men who thought touching their own ass would “make them gay.”

    So yah, people getting anxious about using a bidet? That tracks. I think a lot of people are at very least, just anxious because they’ve never really been shown anything and might be doubting their own habits. Basically the bathroom and poop and related topics are just this mysterious realm that nobody talks about. Insecurity over our most intimate and private acts is a tradition as old as time itself.

  • Our obsession with owning land and borders will be the death of us all.

    Like, without hyperbole, if we all die, it will be because of our attachment to the concept of “owning land” and having to draw imaginary lines across ground and rock and water to signify who owns what.

    But when you step back and really think about it, it makes zero sense if you actually care about an equitable world where people aren’t hurting each other. It makes zero sense from a cosmic perspective, as this is a rock flying around a star, it has been here longer than us and will outlast us to a degree that our presence here, no matter what we do, will be a brief blip in cosmic time. We have no legacy, no real connection to the dirt below us other than how it gave us life. And yet claim ownership over it?

    It makes no sense from a material perspective either, all borders do is reduce the flow of goods and services, creates artificial limits on who can go where creating “pressure zones” that eventually explode over and become migration disasters, and of course the people who pretend to rule these patches of dirt and rock and water and will send millions of people to death to preserve this roleplay. And we all cheer and defend this concept with all our heart.

    Make it make sense.

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldMildred
    3 months ago

    I used to watch Thought Slime a lot, even donated to them a few times… then started watching videos from the people they’ve “called out” on stream, followed a rabbit-hole of people who were hurt and never apologized to and realized they’re just another youtube dramafarmer clicks-at-all-costs, no discrimination, storyline-crafting liar. Like everyone.

    Free yourselves humanity, stop watching streamers.

    edit: I know the parasocialism online runs really deep and just saying this is going to get some people losing their shit to defend their fav streamer, I literally don’t care, you have to be aware that every streamer has an army of knights to defend them, and I don’t like engaging that way and am not going to spend my time arguing. I’m not out to change your mind, just explain why I changed mine.

  • I don’t disagree with anything you’re saying, but it kinda sounds like an engineer trying to make their career/passion into more than a clever trick which comes as a result of learning how to abstract information to better manipulate the world.

    “Engineering” isn’t a fundamental quality of the universe, it’s a word we have made up to describe honestly a lot of different things. There’s nothing wrong with calling what humans learned to do “engineering” and it wouldn’t be inaccurate, but I’m saying you can simplify that more, to just the quality we learned, which is how to take information from the past and from right now to synthesize pictures of tomorrow, and then abstract that conclusion to share with others. Being able to share abstract conclusions about future events is a far, far more profound skill, there’s no parallel in nature, not even “kinda” like beaver engineering. Engineering comes from this ability, so I’m just trying to describe the order of carts and horses.